the McG kids in 15 minutes

I miss doing the monthly portrait sessions of Dorothy. Sure, it was hard coming up with new ideas, and sometimes frustrating when things didn’t work out the way I wanted them to… but mostly, I liked having a reason to get out and take pictures of my children as they’re growing. Jack especially is in this age where he’s kind of “over” me taking pictures of him, so that actually means we have to try MORE often to get a decent shot!

The other night, on a total whim, I decided after dinner that I wanted to take some pictures of the kids at sunset at my grandparents’ place. This did NOT work like I had it planned in my head. We were out there for all of 15 minutes before everyone was too hot, too gripey, too tired of the wind… and Dorothy kept running away from us. Word to the wise, get all the pictures you can of your kids BEFORE they can run away from you!

I was convinced the entire portrait session was a bust. But once I looked through them on the computer later, I found some gems I didn’t know I had captured. Sometimes, the feeling of disappointment when a shoot isn’t *exactly* what I had in mind can cloud my overall opinion of it, and make me forget the good. As it turns out, in this 15 minutes of craziness, I caught some beautiful pictures of our beautiful children.

You’ll notice some of these are edited a little differently than normal… I was in a playful mood, and went a little more “fanciful” than I usually do. I asked Mack if he thought it was ok, and he reminded me, “It’s our blog, we can post whatever we want!” Love that. 🙂


Isn’t this boy handsome? He’s really growing up this summer… I know I have to soak up all his little boy energy, because he won’t be a little boy much longer!


When we first put Dorothy in the chair, all she was concerned with was getting out of it….


The stuffed animal she’s squeezing in this next picture is actually mine from when I was her age… it’s a parachute-material yellow bunny named Snoopy!


Girlfriend can POUT with the best of them! She also has rather unruly hair, as you can see when the bow comes out.

undefined Not bad for 15 minutes, huh?

Speaking of kids, and families, and … well, anything worth “celebrating” :), we’ve got a huge announcement and CONTEST to announce on the blog tomorrow morning. Be sure you come check it out bright & early!!

  1. annie says:

    Two of my most favorite kids in the entire world! I think these photos turned out beautifully!

  2. Misty says:

    LOVE! Love the shots, love the kids (especially Dorothy’s magnificent Flock of Seagulls hair!!!), LOVE YOU GUYS! 🙂

  3. Ambo says:

    Beautiful!!! Love those kiddos & their amazing parents!

  4. KaylaS says:

    I swear they are the cutest little things ever! Soooooo cute! Great pictures!

  5. Kendall says:

    Beautiful! Her eyes are ridiculously pretty. It’s almost criminal 😛

  6. Sarah says:

    They are so cute!

  7. Carman says:

    Cheslea, those pictures are gorgeous! (Your personal blogs are always, always my faves, even though I’ve never met Mack or your kiddos.) Jack is gonna be a heart-breaker soon, and I love the pictures of Dorothy! For some reason the dirt on the bottom of her feet struck me as the cutest thing ever.

  8. Liesa says:

    If you hadn’t told us that these didn’t go along as you expected, we would have NEVER known. But, they are being kids–it’s life! I thought they were all gorgeous and really popped! Your children are simply gorgeous both inside and out!

  9. Erin says:

    LOVE these. Especially the one of Jack jumping off the porch. That picture just screams “Summer!!” to me. And his freckles in the next picture! So cute. And Dorothy is very wind-blown model-esque in the last picture, haha. Ah-dorable. You have some beautiful kids 🙂

  10. Nicole says:

    Oh, wow! Dorothy hugging Snoopy FTW! Such a cute pic! Both of your children are gorgeous!

  11. Bobbileigh says:

    Okay the picture of her with Snoopy may be one of my faves of all time, it really made me want to go grab my big pink frog and squeeze him. Yes I am 25. lol

  12. Marybeth says:

    I love the tutu and dirty feet combo……classic kid shot! Ely refuses to wear shoes. I used to see people like that in town and think why don’t they make them wear shoes……well now I know!

  13. Courtney says:

    I’m so behind on the blog but I just have to say how much I ADORE these pictures! Looooove all of them.

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