Meghan’s red dress lit up the park like a neon sign, and we were IMMEDIATELY excited to start working. Something about that red dress and the bubbly infectious energy the couple brought with them… it all just clicked in such a fun way. Meghan & Tyler are getting married in July, and while we already […]

Months and months and months ago, I started chatting with this bride about ideas for her springtime engagement session. And the more we chatted, the more it seemed like we were just planning a double date night. Well… a double date night with wardrobe changes. 😉 And as it turns out, that was really perfect […]

We booked with Katy & Adam over the phone early last year, and were so excited to finally get to meet them last week. This adorable couple is currently living in Los Angeles, planning what’s sure to be an epic wedding at the Perot Museum in Dallas this fall. We figured out pretty quickly that […]