Amy & Clayton : Wedding

Amy & Clayton were married last Friday at the N at Hard Way Ranch in Bluff Dale, TX, one of our all-time favorite venues. We were a little worried about how the menacing storm clouds would affect their outdoor ceremony, but luckily, the rain held off until after the vows. And, well, you may have seen on Facebook that the storm actually came in handy for some portraits. 🙂

The entire day was so relaxed… Friends & family of the bride and groom really helped them focus on what mattered. Amy & Clayton were honored by guests who came in from all over the country to celebrate their special moments, and they were positively joyful all afternoon.

I love it when we’re able to catch a groom writing his vows before the ceremony. That piece of paper is a family heirloom!

Amy & Clayton weren’t sure about the idea of a First Sight at first, but then they read THIS blog post about the experience from some of our former McG wedding couples, they were sold. Their moments together here were so sweet and intimate… It was a delight to photograph!

Ceremony time!

Amy & Clayton’s faith is so important to them, and the worship song they included in their ceremony was so beautiful. Mack and I were both moved to tears to see two families coming to praise God together!

Mr. & Mrs. Anderson!

And then, oh… my hopes were almost dashed!

See, we’d planned to walk across the pasture to the other side of the property and photograph a few post-ceremony portraits with the newlyweds’ horse. But it started raining right after they were pronounced Man & Wife, and I was worried we’d have to forgo these images. Amy looked right at me and said, “Nah, it’s not raining hard… let’s run for it!”

And run for it, we did. And it was so so so very worth it!

GAHHHHH! Gorgeous!

Congratulations, Amy & Clayton! We’re so glad that you found us, and we were able to capture these amazing moments of your beautiful day. We hope you’ve had a fantastic week in Hawaii, and that you’ve been able to find a few of the places we recommended! 🙂

Happy weekend, blogstalkers… see you Monday!

  1. Ann says:

    Can’t believe I’m first?!

    Absolutely, ridiculously, fabulous. I repeat…I’m ready to vote for “best of”.

  2. Amy says:

    I really think that the pictures of them with the horse, in the rain, could and should be on the cover of a magazine. It should for sure go on a canvas in their house. Beautiful pictures!

  3. Susan Buddle says:

    Hi, I don’t know Amy and Clayton, I am from the UK and I would like to say WOW your photos are amazing never ever will anyone be that good from the UK, have seen loads of photos and yours are the Best, I loves the way the Bridesmaid Dresses match the boys Blue Jeans and How handsome were they men in the Stetson’s The couple are very pretty and so happy, the the background of the photos were Brilliant, I am a friend of Kendall LaRochelle, which is how I get to see the photos and really look forward to seeing more, I so wish you were based in the Uk xxxxxxxx Love your work Brillant xxxxx

  4. Ann Marie says:

    Gorgeous! Love the horse photos too! Gave me chills..
    You out did yourself this time McG 🙂

  5. Megan Gray says:

    Absolutely in the running for Best Of. This looks like a shoot lifted straight from a magazine. I dont even know these folks and I was welling up in tears over their beautiful wedding. Best wishes Amy and Clayton!

  6. Katy McK says:

    gah! gorgeous stuff guys! B/W in the rain – totally my goosebump fave!

  7. Devin G says:

    WOW McG!! This shoot is phenomenal! Of course the horse shots made me breathless but the others are wonderful too! Please never stop sharing your Fabulous work with the world.

  8. Amy Anderson says:

    Ok, I’m finally here to comment! I’ve been here numerous times to look but could never come up with the words. Still don’t feel like I have them but I’ll try. Simply… I love them, all of them. I can’t possibly thank Chelsea & Mack enough for such a wonderful job!! You captured every moment that meant the most to us + some!! From worshipping God to jumping with joy that we were finally married!!! 🙂 Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! Besides choosing my groom, y’all are the best decision I made!!! xoxoxo

  9. Mike says:

    I’ll echo Megan above – I know y’all are going to have a ton of awesome material to sort through at the end of the year, but this will totally be in the final cut. It has to be.

    As I said before, this post blew. my. mind. McG kickin’ it in ultra-amazing-horse-hair-in-the-wind mode!

    The B&G portraits are so yummy. The light, skin tone, interaction, B&Ws…everything.

    I hope this word doesn’t sound lackluster, but this whole post is INCREDIBLE.

    Congrats, Amy & Clayton! Y’all inspire me. I’m so proud of you for so intimately incorporating your faith in and throughout your wedding ceremony. Those shots during the song are heart-gripping. True worship in a covenant ceremony.

  10. Kendra says:

    Holy moly mackerel!!! Those shots with the horse are AH-MAZING!! Great job McG team. 5 Star Fabulous!! These two look like what you imagine straight out of a western romance novel. Gorgeous couple!

  11. Margaret says:

    The one of her jumping during the “five minute rule”…. AWESOME!

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