Katie & Taylor : Wedding Pt. 1

This time of year is a wonderful one, but it can be tricky. When we get storms, they’re big & crazy, and when we have sunshine, it’s heavy & hot. So while we pray for blue skies & sunny days for our couples, we also hope to have a little cloud cover when they want an outdoor First Sight at 4 p.m. Luckily, all our prayers were answered on Katie & Taylor’s big day. We literally could not have dreamed up better weather for this gorgeous Fort Worth event, and we were able to use the courtyard area of University Christian Church to execute a quick & beautiful bride & groom session for our lovely couple.

We love when our couples team up with vendors we love, and we sighed happy sighs when Katie told us her wedding would be coordinated by the amazing team from Events & Experiences. Chelsey & her crew are always on the ball, and we know we’re going to have a gorgeous, seamless wedding day when they’re on the job!

I’m so glad I had time this week to share Katie & Taylor’s wedding in two parts… that’s my favorite way to roll, when I’ve got enough hours on my hands! 🙂 Enjoy some of my favorites from the first half of our day!


First Sight time! Taylor was so excited to see his bride and share a few moments together before that long walk down the aisle.


Sometimes large wedding parties can feel a bit like wrangling circus animals, but this party was just fantastic. So kind and helpful… and nice to look at, too! 🙂


The rules at University Christian Church confine photography either to the back balcony (about 75 yards from the altar), or behind the narthex door, shooting through a tiny panel of glass. Pretty intense! We just took it as a challenge, and worked to make sure we could provide our awesome couple with variety in their ceremony images no matter what restrictions we were dealing with between Processional & Recessional!


The new Mr. & Mrs. McFarland! 🙂 Get excited… we have more portraits and a beautiful Petroleum Club reception to share tomorrow!

  1. Dawn says:

    Beautiful people! Beautiful church! Great job on capturing the ceremony–if you hadn’t talked about the photography restrictions, I wouldn’t have noticed!

  2. megB says:

    SUPER impressed by the ceremony shots – I kind of love that “outsider” perspective – it makes the ceremony look very intimate and private 🙂

  3. These are fabulous! It is so fun to see them so quickly! You guys rock! And thank you for the kind words! I wish we could have had more time to chat during the wedding!

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