Best of 2014 : Engagements



The vast majority of the time, engagement portraits are not just the first time a new McG Bride & Groom are getting in front of our cameras… it’s the first time EVER. I mean, sure, iPhone selfies. 😉 Maybe even a senior portrait! But nothing like what we do. No one has ever told these couples, “Ok, just relax and love on each other. Feel free to laugh anytime you want to.” That freedom can be a bit jarring at first, but we’re so proud that by the end of our engagement sessions, our clients feel like pros. There’s a REASON we give away an engagement session with all our wedding bookings… we want that time with our clients, so that we all come into the wedding day feeling like super comfortable BFFs. This time… this investment… it’s never failed to pay off. 🙂

Check out some of our favorite engagement images of 2014:


You’re going to see sooooo many of those couples on the blog again this year when they finally get married. Let’s make some more magic!!

  1. Hannah says:

    Love them all! So gorgeous! Beautiful job!

  2. Allison says:

    They are all stunning. We are some lucky couples to have you two to capture our love! Can’t wait to see what you come up with at the wedding

  3. Samantha says:

    So glad we picked you guys!

  4. Jessica says:

    Still obsessing; can’t wait to see y’all again!

  5. Monica says:

    Brandi & Jimmy’s photo show truly what a marriage is about, keeping your own identity while accepting the others. Its not just about love but other companionship. They are ultimately what I want in a relationship!

  6. Garth M Boatner says:

    Brandi and jimmy

  7. Jess Boatner says:

    Jimmy and Brandi

  8. Kathy Hart says:

    ALL so unique. Especially love the first one “reflection of water”, such a great shot. And can really see love in the 10th one. The couple in the water, #19, is very impromptu and sexy. #21 is just FUN! #36 cool! #49 great side view–eye capture. And the last one with the moon is out of this world! You guys are the best photographers and such a great team!!

  9. Lori says:

    #20 Brandi & Jimmy

  10. Erin Underwood says:

    Erin- #8 Brad and Amanda 🙂

  11. Ashley says:


  12. Patti says:

    #19 Kylie & tyler

  13. Dellanie says:

    Brandi And Jimmy

  14. hollie hart says:

    #8 amanda and Brad

  15. carlospayanII says:

    #8 Amanda & Brad

  16. Michelle R says:


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