Rachel : Bridal | McGowan Images Blog


Rachel : Bridal

Thursday weddings mean Friday can be “show off the bridal portraits” day!

My cousin Rachel’s bridal session took place on one of those stormy afternoons this spring. You know, one of the MILLION we had. Thank goodness it was warm & dry inside Bass Hall… and we managed to find a couple breaks in the rain outside, as well!

I love this girl to pieces, and the classic look she chose for her wedding suited her perfectly. Mack had so much fun lighting this session… dramatic indoor stuff is his jam. 🙂

Look how pretty!


That’s the stunner, right there. One of my favorite bridal headshots EVER!

We’ll be showing off this wedding toward the end of next week… right now we’re high-tailing it to New Mexico to shoot a wedding for two more gorgeous brides tomorrow! Happy Weekend, everyone!

  1. the nan says:

    Beautiful bride!!! My sweet niece is gorgeous! That Cinderella shot is fabulous!

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