Jenna & Mike : Engagement

Jenna & Mike both went to high school with me (Chelsea). We knew each other, but weren’t close friends. In the last couple years, Jenna & I have become grownup friends, because I have her art all over my skin. 😉

She’s the incredible artist who’s done the watercolor tattoo work on both of my arms, and will soon be adding that to my right thigh. She’s my absolute most favorite, and it’s an honor to be her canvas. That said, I told her she absolutely didn’t need to feel pressured to hire me for her 2016 wedding just because she’s had needles in my skin. I told her we’d be thrilled to shoot it, but I’d also be happy to help her find anything else she was looking for.

Needless to say, we’re real excited that we’re the ones who get to photograph Jenna & Mike over the next 8 months until they’re officially Mr. & Mrs. Patterson.

We shot this engagement session in Denton, starting at CTC Auto Ranch. We’re so grateful that this awesome couple gave us free range to shoot somewhere we’ve never worked, and create some images we’ve had on our mental drawing board for a while. The results are such a perfect snapshot of who these people are at this moment in their lives… they’re crazy in love, and also, well, just crazy. Laughing together is their real life. And it’s wonderful to see.

Check out some favorites:


When Mack says “I have an idea”, it’s a good idea to just hold the light where he says to, and watch the awesome happen.


The next shot might be my favorite of the whole session. This one just feels so happy to me.


Sure, it’s a June wedding… but everyone needs a fun Christmas photo, right?


You two are SO much fun. Next time, the beers & burgers are on us… and hopefully that next time is soon!

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