an announcement

Long time no post over here… that’s entirely my fault, I haven’t known how to write this blog post. So I’m just going to say it.

I’m officially retired from photographing weddings, and Mack is retired from photography altogether. Mack had been pursued by a company for a long time, and they Godfather-style made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. He’s been kicking ass in a different realm for six months now, and I’m so proud of him I could bust.

2022 is a self care year for me…. I ran the show for 12 years, and worked an insane amount of days and hours and nights and weekends in that time. It’s been nice to take a long nap on a Saturday afternoon, and to wake up on Sunday without a wedding hangover.

That said, I made the decision to retire last October, and I’ve got four weddings to shoot this year, and two already for 2023. So I guess I’m “soft” retiring.

For coordinators I love, for small weddings, for people who just want me really bad and sound like they’re gonna have like a good party… I’m still around. I’m not putting any pressure on myself to shoot weddings, but I’d be happy with a half dozen or so every year.

Long story short… goodbye Mack, slowing down Chelsea.

What’s NOT slowing down? SKINbyMcG. That’s my full time focus this year, and I can’t WAIT to continue growing this business. (check me on Instagram @skin_by_mcg)

I’m sure my blog followers have all jumped ship by now, but I still want to say thank you. There were years where I blogged every day, and woke up every morning to a dozen or so comments. I’ve made friends and told stories through this blog, and shared our lives with you. Thank you for caring, honestly. Thank you for your support.

I’ll still blog here from time to time when I shoot something… I want my clients to have something to show off before their final collections are done. So check in every once in a while, if you like what I do.

I don’t think I’ll ever actually stop doing it.