erath county photographer | McGowan Images Blog

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When Lindy first emailed us, she was kind of in a hurry. She knew her fiance would only be in town for about two weeks, and they wanted to do everything they could to get an engagement session done before the fall foliage was gone… even though they didn’t have a wedding date set yet. […]

Lindy & Devin : Engagement

There’s just something about the magic that happens when a couple who’s used to a long distance relationship finally comes together again. Maybe we’re just finely tuned to it, seeing as how WE lived so far apart the year before we got married. Whatever the reason, we notice. Mariana & Joaquin are finally living close […]

Mariana & Joaquin : Engagement


We photographed this session over a week ago, and it’s been KILLING me to not blog it! With our recent travels, it’s sometimes hard to sit down and give a session the attention it deserves right away, and I’d ALWAYS rather do something right than do it fast. 🙂 Luckily, Erica & Jeremy were super […]

Erica & Jeremy : Celebration