New mommy commits mega blog fail…

I hang my head in shame for not getting something up on the blog sooner… but, better late than never, right?

Dorothy Jane McGowan was born at 10:43 a.m. on Wednesday, April 21, after a lightning-fast induction. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 oz, and was 19.5 inches long. I have some really fun stories to tell, and I’m using a little of my spare time to work on a fun blog about our labor and delivery experience. I won’t say I don’t have the time to blog right now, because I do.

But more importantly, I have the time to just sit on my behind and stare into the big gorgeous still-kinda-blue-but-we’re-not-sure eyes of the most beautiful little girl ever born. I just have a couple of weeks before I start work again. I’m excited to get back to shooting, but I’m going to do everything I can to absolutely absorb this time with my precious daughter.

Until I have time to get the full story and more pictures up on the blog, I’ll toss you a few of my favorites.

We gave my mom a crash course in the mechanics of our camera the day before Dottie was born, and she got some really lovely pictures during the delivery. Obviously, many of those aren’t for web-sharing… but this one of Dorothy’s first breath is by far my favorite.


Dorothy has maintained the same attitude toward photography that she had in utero… she’s not really a fan. Still, in our first attempt to get some pretty newborn pictures of her, we got a few sweet pictures:



Thank you guys so much for your well-wishes, your prayers, and the love you’ve sent our way. This is such a special time in our lives, and we’ve been so blessed with the support of our close family and wonderful friends.

I promise… triple pinkie swear, cross my heart and hope to die… that I’ll have lots of pictures and some good stories to share soon.

Until then, know that Dorothy Jane is a happy little girl. She eats like a little piggie, , and is letting Mack and I sleep for easy stretches of 5 hours a time at night. Jack adores his baby sister, and asks to hold her every chance he gets. All in all, we are pretty much the luckiest little family in the world.

  1. Bre says:

    Love it! Such a beautiful little girl. Thanks Chelsea for sharing, and we can’t wait to see her!

  2. Crystal says:

    I love the pictures! I blog stalk and stalk the facebook to see LOL! She is so beautiful! So happy for your family!! Can’t wait to see more pictures! Enjoy your new bundle of joy 🙂

  3. Ambo says:

    I am beyond happy for you guys and so glad I got to be at the hospital to share in this wonderful experience. I am a happy “Auntie Ambo”, I love you guys like crazy and love Dorothy Jane already.

  4. vickie walker says:

    She is so beautiful. I can’t wait to see and hear her story. Love Vickie

  5. Christian F. says:

    Oh my goodness! I was driving to work this morning thinking of you guys, and wondering when baby Dorothy would be here 🙂 I am beyond happy for you, and so jealous of your little baby girl! She is beautiful! Your family is amazing, have so much fun in the next few weeks!

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