checking in from hurrication 2010

Hello lovelies!!

We’re in Port Aransas, getting lots of rain and high waves from Hurricane Carl, and enjoying every stinkin’ second of it. Lots of people are griping about how the wind and rain are ruining their vacation… bad attitude, much? It’s gorgeous down here, and we can relax no matter what the weather is.

I’ll do a full-post update next week, but while everyone’s chilling out here in our condo, I have time to pick out a few!

On Friday, the weather broke for about 2 hours and we got some of that beachy sunny time:

Jack even got buried in the sand…

When we went out this morning, it was NOT bright and sunny. It looked like this:

Oh, and it got stormier. Lots of rain and wind and pretty big waves, considering we’re at the Texas coast. So you know what we did? How did we react to Hurricane Carl’s dumping all over our beach vacation?

We swam in it anyway.

Yep. We got out in a driving rain and big waves and crazy wind and we had a dadgum good time playing in the ocean. Dorothy and my mom propped open the back of the Yukon and stayed out of the rain, and when it got down to just sprinkling, they came and played, too!

Like I said… all about the attitude. And we’re feeling pretty great.

We won’t be leaving until Monday afternoon, BUT I still have a 6 a.m. Monday morning blog post of engagement-portrait goodness scheduled for you. You can hug me when I get home. 🙂

See you soon!

  1. Stefani says:

    I’m so happy to hear ya’ll are having a great time even though the weather is bad! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  2. Misty says:

    GREAT pics, I love the stormy shot!!! Way to live it up, in spite of it all 🙂

  3. Liesa says:

    What a great attitude! Who says you can’t have fun in the rain?! It’s probably more memorable that way, anyway! I love the few pics you picked. Dot and her hat are precious, and Jack is such a ham! Keep relaxin’ and have safe travels!

  4. Ambo says:

    Love these shots!!!!! I’m so glad ya’ll are having a great time even with Hurricane Carl. Can’t wait to see more shots!!!

  5. Alyssa Whaley says:

    These images are compelling.

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