seester sam : celebration

My little sister Samantha graduated from Pepperdine University in May, and stayed out west after graduation… livin’ the dream of the starving singer-songwriter in Hollywood. She came home for Christmas, where she did NOT have to worry about starving anymore. 🙂

I miss her already, and I’m excited for our family road trip in about a month, when we’ll get to visit her on her home turf. I sure do miss me some California… this trip is gonna rock!

But anyway, my sister. You’ve read about my baby sister before on the blog.

First, you heard about her album, “heartmouth“, which is amazing, and should be the next thing you purchase from your Amazon or iTunes wish list. 🙂 This summer, she played the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood TWICE, and she’s currently preparing for a show at the Roxy. I’m so proud of this kid!

Then, you heard about her when she’s come to visit, and be all lazy with the fam.

But today, I’m going to share a few shots I took of her before we rang in the new year. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to announce the release of a new Sam Behymer EP… but until then, I hope you’ll check out her current record and enjoy her music!

This next shot is my very favorite. VERY.

Sam is what I like to affectionately refer to as “photo challenged”. She can’t help but do something goofy. The following animated file is what happens when I tell her to “stand there for a second”. (Some of you might recognize this as “the Elaine” from Seinfeld).

I asked Mack to grab a quick shot of me and Sam together, because we don’t have that many. When I saw it later, I started picking it apart because of my glasses/weight/lack of makeup. But I decided just to embrace it, because it’s me and my baby sister laughing… so I love it!

I miss you, seester! We’ll see you so soon!

Blogstalkers, tomorrow I’m going to announce our remaining 2011 wedding availability, and upcoming portrait openings… but then, it’s wedding time! 🙂

  1. Melody says:

    Love the bomber jacket!!

  2. The Nan says:

    Love it! She is def photo challenged, something she inherited from her father. You did a great job capturing her sweetness! Love the one of the two of you!

  3. Liesa says:

    I love the second to last shot of her! This is how I remember her from high school. Always smiling, and seemingly lots of fun to be around. I still adore the one of you two, you BOTH look beautiful. No picking apart allowed Miss Chelsea!

  4. Ambo says:

    Love these shots just like I love both of you! Cant wait for new music Sam! 🙂

  5. annie says:

    It is Loree’s Mini-Me!!! Your favorite = my favorite!! And I adore the one of the two of you. (Nanny needs that one in a frame!)

  6. Misty says:

    LOVE! Especially the b&w shots, faaaaaaaaantastic! And “the Elaine” made me LOLOLOL!!!
    Don’t be silly, that’s a GREAT pic of you and your seester, and your glasses ROCK!

  7. Melissa says:

    Love the last shot of both of you!!!

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