Dorothy is Two!

Happy Birthday, Dorothy!

Well, actually, technically, Dorothy’s second birthday was Saturday, April 21st. But since it’s just her second birthday, she’s still not sure what all the fuss was about, and the actual date wasn’t super important. We spent her ACTUAL birthday photographing Kathleen & Michael’s wedding (which we sneak peek’d yesterday)… but don’t worry, we made it up to Dorothy!

Yesterday was 100% completely set aside for her. “Doofy Day”, we called it, echoing the way she pronounces her name. We started our day with a trip to our favorite donut shop, where Dorothy ordered donut holes (she calls them No Nos) and apple juice. We went to the store and she picked out a bright pink bouncy ball, and we took all our treasures to the park for lots of swinging and running and laughing and playing. We’re so blessed to be with our kids almost every day in the office, but it was especially nice to take a full day and just celebrate whatever this sweet baby wanted to do…

Please excuse my naked face, y’all… I didn’t anticipate being a part of these pictures, but I love this one anyway. 🙂

Doofy Day culminated in a family birthday party, all themed around Minnie Mouse, who she tells us is her “very best friend”. We were so glad so much of our family could come together with us to eat good food and celebrate this precious light in our lives. My mom made some killer Mickey & Minnie decorations for the party… she’s so talented!

My folks got the birthday girl this motorized scooter, and she just adores it. I mean, of course… what girl wouldn’t??

Thanks to Shannon at Wild Thyme Creative Designs for Dorothy’s fabulous birthday cake!

There’s my girl… she immediately broke off a piece of the edge and shoved it in her mouth. We don’t mess around with dessert!!

At two years old, Dorothy is talking in sentences, working on potty training, and loves her first pair of “heels”. (They’re one inch espadrilles. Training heels, if you will.) She loves to wear bows in her hair, and watch Mommy put on makeup, and go fishing with Daddy. Her favorite thing to do is jump, and read books with her brother. She watches “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” every day, and keeps telling us we need to invite Mickey to come over to our house to play.

Dorothy Jane is a beautiful girl, but more importantly, she is sweet and smart and funny. Not a day goes by that Mack and I don’t talk about how blessed we are to have this little princess in our lives, and while we may run ourselves silly trying to keep up with her, it will never stop being worth it.

To celebrate this milestone, of COURSE, we did a new portrait session. Just a little one… a few minutes at sunset on Sunday night. If you’ve been a long-time friend of McG, you remember the monthly sessions I did during Dorothy’s first year, but if you don’t, you can see a recap of those HERE. I pray she always loves picture time this much!

My sweet Dorothy Jane, you are amazing. You charm strangers, and your friendly spirit makes me so proud. You are growing your Daddy and I into better, stronger people, and even if you weren’t our precious girl, we’d be so lucky to know you. I’m blessed to be your Mommy, and so excited to see how you grow over the next year. I love you, angel!


  1. Lynne says:

    I’ve been waiting to see pics of Doofy Day. 🙂 She is a beautiful girl and it sounds like you created a perfect memory for her! She is super photogenic…I love the very last one, and the three right above it. She’s gorgeous…you might want to reconsider training heels though. As soon as she realizes how pretty she is, it’s off to the races and you won’t need any help making her prettier! 🙂

  2. The Nan says:

    Do I see a touch is strawberry in our darling’s hair? What a glorious weekend with this precious gift from God! Thanks for sharing the photo moments with us.

  3. Hannah Smith says:

    That girl is too precious for words. Loved looking at these sweet pics. You, as always, did an amazing job of capturing her sweet spirit. Love you all!

  4. Stephanie Moore Hager says:

    Precious angel!

  5. Brittany A. says:

    You both are so lucky to have such a lovely precious daughter. This makes me all the more excited for the adventure of parenthood. Never take her for granted and thank God everyday for her. Happy Birthday Doofy!

  6. Abby says:

    I love that sweet little girl! I enjoyed so much every month of her pictures in her first year… and these pictures are absolutely so so so wonderful!! She is charming, bright and beautiful! I am honored to know her! Yay Doofy Day!

  7. Aunt Ambo says:

    So adorable!!! I love you Dorothy Jane!!! I’m so excited that this little girl is in our life, and has so many wonderful people around her to watch her grow! She’s gonna be a heart breaker! So glad we’ve got to be a part of her life thus far and many years to come! Hope her birthday was the best!
    Aunt Ambo & Uncle J

  8. megB says:

    Oh, sweet baby girl! I cannot believe she’s already two years old! She’s more beautiful every time we see her – and it still amazes me how photogenic she is. Happy birthday Dotty! You are such a blessing 🙂

  9. Angela says:

    Such a gorgeous little girl! Enjoy those moments with her while she’s still little. They just grow up too fast, don’t they?

  10. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday Dorothy! Love the picture of her being pushed on the swing!

  11. Ann says:

    What a cutie – patootie! Love the swing picture – pure joy.

  12. Kathy says:

    Great pictures of a special day in a special girl’s life! Thanks for letting us be a part of it!

  13. bobbileigh says:

    Happy belated bday Dot!! I love the first picture and also the one of her swinging, its just pure joy. I also cant get over how young and carefree your parents look every time you have them on the blog.

  14. Amanda J. says:

    Love. Especially that last picture. She’s going to be a heartbreaker.

  15. Sarah says:

    What a doll!

  16. Liesa says:

    How oh how can I pick any favorites at all? These, just like she, are pure and precious. Happy second, sweet one! Can’t wait to see how you blossom and grow this next year!!

  17. Nicole says:

    Your daughter is absolutely beautiful! Looks like she had a fabulous “Doofy Day”! I so want a piece of cake now!

  18. abi says:

    What a sweet and beautiful little girl! omg!

  19. Jenn says:

    OH. MY. WORD. She is too precious for words, so beautiful and photogenic. Love those curls and bright eyes-Happy Birthday, Dorothy!

  20. Sam says:

    The most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world!! I love this post but it made me need a Doofy hug reallllll bad!

  21. MeganGrivas says:

    holy cow! those photos are beautiful! ohmygosh. i can hardly stand our pretty that little girl of yours looks in her little romper and hat. just stunning!

  22. Courtney says:

    Too cute for words! Seriously. I can’t get over how gorgeous she is! The pictures are completely adorable. I don’t know how you don’t have every wall in your house covered in pics of these sweet kiddos!

  23. Abby says:

    Rel-ooking at them…. that swinging picture is amazing!!! And her lips in the last one… perfect

  24. Kevin says:

    First, your daughter is the cutest thing ever!!!! Second, love her party! So cute! Loved the swing pictures, the umbrella pics, all of them! Your kids are so cute and awesome they make me want children o my own!

  25. vickie walker says:

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful child with us. I have so enjoyed watching her grow, from the time she was in you belly at Hil’s wedding to the month by month changes. Happy Birthday Dorothy Jane.

  26. francine says:

    she is absolutely precious!!! that smile!!! and that minnie mouse dress!! loving it immensely! blessings to y’all!!

  27. Misty says:

    Where have the last two years gone?!?! She is so beautiful and adorable and precious and wonderful, thanks for sharing such great pics from Doofy’s special day!!! 🙂

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