McG Christmas Adventure : Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon

We planned to spend 2.5 days in Flagstaff, Arizona, playing in the snow and relaxing. That turned into 2 days, because we couldn’t get our lazy butts up and out of bed the day after Disney… but it was still a great way to end the trip. πŸ™‚ Road tripsΒ can sometimes lead to accidents and it is important that you know how to get in touch with Illinois accident attorneys who can help with legal processes.

When we arrived in Flagstaff around 9 p.m., it was 12 degrees. WHOA! Time to bundle up, for sure!

I didn’t take my “real camera” when we went sledding at the SnowBowl… that would have been an accident waiting to happen. πŸ™‚ I got lots of iPhone pictures, though!

The next morning, we went to the Grand Canyon. The main road into the South Rim had just opened that day, but all the smaller roads are still completely blocked with snow. It was again super cold, but we had a great time exploring!

This is Jack using binoculars that belonged to his great-great-grandfather. πŸ™‚

The picture below features my dear husband teaching our kids to make the world’s biggest shadow puppets. πŸ™‚

Thanks, random tourist guy, for the family photo!

What should one crazy family do on the last night of vacation?

Well, I can tell you what THIS crazy family did. πŸ™‚ We absolutely destroyed our room making the most epic of all epic blanket forts, and we ordered pizza, and we ate LOTS of candy, and we stayed up late watching movies like, “A Knight’s Tale”. And we hugged a lot, and we talked about our favorite parts of vacation.

Ah, headed east, toward home. πŸ™‚

Thank you all so much, so VERY much, for your prayers and well wishes and Instagram likes throughout our two week adventure. This was such a blessing for our family… we really needed this time together. And thank you for caring enough about us to read through the recap!

We’ll be blogging three days next week, and all three of them will be snowy and wonderful. Way more snow than when we were in Flagstaff, for sure. πŸ™‚ Get excited, and come back to see what we created with some of our favorite clients!

  1. ann says:

    Totally awesome winter vacation. So beautifully documented I almost feel like I was there with ya!

  2. Bethe says:

    Loved Jack’s bomber jacket!

  3. debbie says:

    I have often thought your landscape shots are a class in themselves. how do you possibly decide what goes on the walls of your home?! you need to open a gallery for retail sales πŸ™‚

  4. debbie says:

    that was supposed to say “in a class, by themselves” :-0

  5. Ashley Yates says:

    I agree, I do not know how you both decide what photos are displayed in your home. So many incredible family photos.

  6. Mike says:

    I love, love, love stalking y’all on IG. You already knew that though. Even your iPhone photos shine. Don’t quit posting. The Grand Canyon is so beautiful. I remember going there when I was younger. All I could think was: this place is huge and it looks like a painting. Incredible. I’m so glad McG captured it on camera for our viewing pleasure.

    Mack – what shadow puppet were you creating in the shot above? πŸ˜‰

    The blanket fort photo miiiight be my favorite shot from this post. It just shows how crazy cool the McG family is in real life. I love you guys!

  7. Mike says:

    P.S. I’ll second Bethe’s comment. Go Jack!

  8. Misty says:

    Yay, northern AZ is the BEST part of my home state! Again, loving all the scenery shots and the Canyon…but that b&w shot of the mountains positively takes the cake, in my opinion — very Ansel Adams! Love it! Love you guys! πŸ™‚

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