Mack Commandeers the Blog: On Branching Out

I feel like we’re pretty darn good at what we do– we capture real life happening in relationships. And I’m really proud of that work, because it’s something that can last for generations, and help your kids and grandkids appreciate who you were “way back when you got married”. But Chelsea’s wicked good at this other thing, too… and the work she does on the Girls on Film side of our business is a real blessing for women and their relationships. She’s kindof amazing.

But that leaves me in a bit of a weird spot– Typically, girls don’t want me hanging around during their boudoir sessions, and I wouldn’t be as good as Chelsea anyhow. So I have this little chunk of creativity left over, and all of this camera gear not doing anything of an evening. Time to put it to work 😉

I got inspired to shoot some night sky images by a discussion Chelsea and I had regarding decorating our bedroom. We wanted some sort of grand starfield image with some lyrics overlaid (more on that later), so I started searching through Google Images to see what was out there. Holy crap. There are people who are SO much better than what I’m about to show you guys! But I just HAD to try it.

My first attempt was on the blog back in March, and I felt really good about it. Since then, I’ve gone out a number of times, dodging the weather, cycle of the moon, and light pollution to try to capture a few more. Here’s what I’ve been working on:

This first image is what happens when you’re taking a shot, and a rancher yells at you to get off his driveway… Whoops! Lesson=learned. Great stars, no foreground!

You also have to watch out for those pesky planes in your images…

That last shot is OK, but I REALLY love the time lapse captured during the exposures… check out those clouds!

The next few have a delightful accident — cow silhouettes! I didn’t even realize they were in that field until one nearly trampled me…

This frame from the above composite had a really wicked meteorite!

And these final two were captured after Meagan & Cody’s wedding in Odessa– The sky is a bit brighter than I would’ve liked, but we were feeling adventurous!

So all that to say that I’ve been working getting something good enough to mount in our bedroom– and I think I might finally have it. What do you think?

Note: By request, these are now available for purchase on the McGowan Images Art Gallery. Except that last one– because that’s for me. 😉

  1. Mad says:

    Very, VERY cool Mack! Any of them would look awesome, big and on a wall!

  2. Kendall says:

    Those are wicked! The space geek in me has my fingers crossed that a lot of these images will be on the Art print site soon!

  3. Kari says:

    Seriously. Nothing short of amazing.

  4. Leslie says:

    Impressive, Mack! Very cool!

  5. Todd says:

    These are great! If I lived in the country this is what I’d be doing too. These are do much fun to try and get! When are you going to try light painting? 🙂

  6. Liesa says:

    Fantastic and cool in every way. It’s like modern Van Gogh. Love it!!

  7. Ambo says:

    Me & Jason were just on the gallery site last night trying to agree on art for the house, can’t wait to show him these…we might ACTUALLY agree on something 🙂
    Great job Mack!!!

  8. Jordyn Pitts says:

    These are AMAZING!!!

  9. Ann says:

    Seriously awesome work there Mack! The windmill speaks to my heart being the daughter of a girl who grew up in west Texas/panhandle.

  10. Seriously love these!

  11. Kevin says:

    Nice work Mack! I am mostly amused by the statement “working around the moon phases.” Stupid moon and cloudy nights need to get on the same page. Oh and stupid planes too! Not sure why they have to fly all up in the frame and photo-bomb a good startrail. Cows FTW!!!

  12. Stephanie Rogers says:

    Wow! Your leftover creativity is stunning! I am blown away, and this is truly inspiring.

  13. Courtney says:

    So. Wickedly. Awesome. Mack, these are stunning and totally epic! You McG’s…. You NEVER cease to amaze me.

  14. Ram G says:

    Uh-huh-huh…you said “good enough to mount in our bedroom”. But seriously, I love ‘starry night’ photos and these kick ass!

  15. Will says:

    Great job. Talent and weather and patience and design all meet in an incredible way! It’s so fun to watch y’all do different things in new and fresh ways!

  16. Toi says:

    I think these images are incredible! You definitely found your “other” creative job. Awesome job!

  17. Carina says:

    Love these!!!

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