Carmen & Ryan : Wedding Pt. 2

Welcome back!

This weekend is a McG Double Header, as we celebrate with Danielle & George tonight, followed by Bristyn & Riley’s wedding tomorrow. And then… oh man… SUMMER VACATION!

We have one wedding at the end of July, and one in late August, but other than that, we’re taking a breather until the temps cool down (hopefully) in mid-September. We’re so looking forward to spending a bit more time with our kids & friends this summer, and coming back re-energized for an INSANELY busy fall season. Like, truly crazy in the very best way. 🙂 So while the blog will likely slow down a bit pretty soon, we won’t be gone for good… rest assured we’ll always have at least 2-3 posts a week to keep your eyeballs busy throughout the long hot summer.

But enough about us… let’s get back to Carmen & Ryan!

Today, we’re picking up where we left off yesterday, just minutes after Carmen & Ryan were pronounced Man & Wife! If you didn’t see their Part 1 blog post, be sure to click on that link and check out alllll the gorgeousness. 🙂

Even when we have a great schedule that allows a lot of time for pre-ceremony portraits, like this wedding had, we still like to protect those few precious moments right after the I Do’s. That’s such an amazing feeling… finally married!!

This was such a great wedding party… thoroughly cooperative, and such fun!

The decor at City Club was classic & simple… just exactly like the bride & groom we were all there to celebrate!

Grandparents dancing at receptions turns me into a weepy mess!!

Carmen & Ryan, congratulations! Thank you for being such a blast to work with, and being so absolutely thrilled to start your lives together. It made our job easy. 🙂 We hope you’re having a blast in Riviera Maya!

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