Nikki & Lily : Celebration

Welcome back! It’s been a while since we used the ole “two blog posts in one day” trick to stay on schedule, but this time of year, there’s just no getting around it. The last few weeks have been rush-rush-rush trying to stay ahead of the nasty ice storms! Luckily, tomorrow is McG’s last portrait session of 2013, and it looks like the weather will be lovely (chilly, but lovely). We made it! 🙂

Last week, the night before the cold front came busting down from the north, I had the chance to photograph maternity portraits for yet another photography buddy. The DFW industry is so kind… so full of wonderful people. I’m honored to have made friends who share my love for this wacky business, and even MORE honored that several of them have entrusted us with their own memories. That’s the highest praise I can have.

Nikki is enjoying her last few weeks of pregnancy, and anxiously awaiting the birth of Miss Lily. She’s another one of those women that I’d hate if she weren’t so awesome… I mean, seriously. Who looks this good at nearly full-term pregnancy?? Just entirely unfair. I think I was the size of TWO Nikki’s right before Dorothy was born. 😉

In any case, I really focused this session on helping Nikki see how truly gorgeous she is as a mother. As women, it can be so hard to see our bodies objectively, particularly when they’re changing from pregnancy or age. Just like with my boudoir sessions, I take special care in making sure a maternity session is primarily about allowing a woman to see herself as the world around her does, without her own insecurities blinding her to the beauty she possesses. I love knowing that I got to send Nikki home to her sweet husband and adorable son as a more confident woman, a woman who can stand up a little straighter and be proud of the skin she’s in… well, the skin that she AND Lily are in. 🙂

Enjoy a few of my favorites from this evening session…





I mean, come on… how sassy is this?? Nikki is such fun to shoot.









When we were planning this session, Nikki told me, “I’d like to do some bare belly stuff if we can. I’m really proud of this belly.”
And girlfriend, you SHOULD be. You wear pregnancy SO well.




And we ended up on this hill, Nikki facing the sunset with the most gorgeous winter blue sky behind her. The light was only there for a minute, but man, it was worth the hike.



Sweet friend, you are beautiful. Inside & Out. Your children are so lucky to have you as a Mama, and I’m lucky to have you as a friend!

  1. nikki says:

    Yeah, it IS actually hard to make this pregnant woman cry.

    But you’ve done it. In the best way.

    I’ve never felt awesome in photos… and avoid being in them to the point of becoming a photographer so I’m ALWAYS behind the camera.
    I can’t believe that’s me. You did such an amazing job, and saying thank you will never be enough.

    I feel like this is the woman I want to be 🙂

  2. Amy Anderson says:

    Beautiful. No other words needed.

  3. lyncca says:


  4. LeighAnn says:

    So pretty! She’s a beautiful pregnant lady!!

  5. Shanna says:

    I’ve been waiting for this post!!! Nikki, you are one of the most beautiful (inside and out) mothers I know! Chelsea, THANK YOU for showing her that!

  6. Chelsea/Mack… These are AMAZING!! Nikki you are one beautiful little momma!! 🙂

  7. Debbie Adair says:

    Chelsea–the photos are incredible. Hopefully you’ve made Nik see what I’ve seen since the minute she was born!! Beautiful photos of my beautiful daughter. Thanks, Chelsea!!

  8. Eben Riggs says:

    Thank you

  9. Vanja says:

    I am at loss for words! Absolutely stunning. Nikki, you are gorgeous!!

  10. Aunt Carole says:


  11. Toi says:

    Beautiful pictures!!

  12. Amber Burris says:

    Uh these are absolutely gorgeous!! Those last two are totally canvas worthy. Just saying!!

  13. Clarissa Ann Taylor says:

    You look SO beautiful. Wonderful job Nikki and Chelsea

  14. James says:

    Absolutely STUNNING! Great job McGs!!

  15. Nicole says:

    Oh, wow! These are beyond gorgeous!

  16. Nikki O'Shay says:

    I adore these! Not only is she a beautiful mommy but the scenery is incredible!

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