Erica & David : Wedding Pt. 1

Planning a wedding in Texas is tricky, as so many of our brides & grooms can attest. Summer weddings might bring rainstorms… weekend dates might alternate between frigid & warm in the fall. It’s nearly impossible to really ever know what you’re getting into. (Except in July. Your July wedding will be really, really hot. That’s all there is to it.)

So I was glad to hear that Erica & David were planning ahead with their January wedding in Galveston. While they obviously hoped for beautiful weather that would allow for portraits on the beach where they got engaged, they also booked indoor venues, so that if a winter storm whipped up, their big day wouldn’t be interrupted. Luckily, all that “plan B” preparation wasn’t necessary. Last weekend was probably the most gorgeous January weather I’ve ever seen, and shooting this beach-town wedding was a complete joy.

David jokes that Erica chose her photographers before she chose the groom… but in any event, this couple highly prioritized their time with us on the wedding day. We can’t overstate how much that TIME played into being able to capture incredible portraits for them. We’re always ready to photograph real moments as they unfold on a wedding day, and the unscripted images are usually some of our favorites. But portraits on the beach at sunset? That sort of thing takes time, and we’re SO grateful that Erica & David gave us that time. We’re completely certain the images we created for them are worth it. 🙂

We started our day at the Lasker Inn, an incredible Galveston B&B and event venue. Erica was all bubbly & happy when we arrived, and that continued throughout the afternoon…


We drove a few miles down the Seawall to the Beachtown boardwalk, for this gorgeous couple to see each other for the first time in all their wedding finery. I was so excited we’d get to use a spot that meant so much to them… this stretch of beach is where Erica & David got engaged!


This next image is a personal favorite of mine…


We left the beach planning to head back to the Lasker, very close to on-schedule. But then, as we rounded a corner, the sun broke through the clouds and the most GLORIOUS light spilled over the island. We started honking and waving like crazy to get the attention of our clients in the car ahead of us, and we all whipped our cars around into an abandoned lot. Best risky driving decision EVER… these portraits kill me in the best way.



And y’all, we’re only halfway done! Be sure you check back in tomorrow to see our favorite moments from Erica & David’s ceremony & reception. 🙂

  1. Abbey says:

    Incredible! I cried looking at them. Such beautiful pictures.

  2. Dawn says:

    These portraits were adorable to begin with, but when that SUN came out, I died. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

  3. Kendall says:

    Could she be any more beautiful!? Your personal favorite was mine too… until that sun. Shut up. I agree, best risky driving decision ever! Also, the mom pocket in the dress, something flew into my eye at that very moment and made them water… yup, that’s it…

  4. Lee says:

    As usual, McG kills it. So gorgeous :).

  5. Jan says:

    Completely teary eyed again! Love these two and love these pictures! So much beauty!!

  6. Heather says:

    I seriously don’t know if I have seen more beautiful wedding pictures!! What beautiful moments you captured! Awesome pictures for an awesome couple!

  7. Connie Redwine says:

    Beautiful pictures for a beautiful bride. So happy for Erica and David. Never met the groom but he has to be a good man, he stole Erica’s heart love you Erica.

  8. Karen Garrett says:

    Wow! Beautiful pictures of a sweet & beautiful bride & her groom!! So glad you decided to do some risky driving & capture those sunset pics! Congrats Erica & David! God bless you both as you start your lives together!
    Karen Garrett

  9. Brandi Meador says:

    Erica.. You are the most beautiful bride. I am so happy for you. The beautiful sky was Ann shining down from heaven on her beautiful daughter. Love you and miss you Erica!

  10. jennifer allen says:

    These photos are truly a treasure that will a fantastic gift for years to come. Amazing, beautiful, Erica and Dave are so blessed to have their day captured with such perfection and beauty.

  11. Becky says:

    Such a beautiful couple! These are gorgeous pictures. I couldn’t imagine picking a favorite. Congratulations Erica and David!

  12. Toi says:

    Such gorgeous pictures, gorgeous, sunset, gorgeous venue & gorgeous couple. What a beautiful set of pictures. Great job McG’s!!

  13. Mandaroo says:

    I mean really could these pictures get any prettier?!!! I’m in love with her dress first of all! Just stunning! And not to mention the way Galveston was captured in these pictures is just beautiful! Great job with such a beautiful couple!

  14. Deanna Perkins says:

    Beautiful Erica and David! Fabulous pictures! I especially love David holding Erica’s shoes. Fabulous!!! You can take him shoe shopping Erica to hold your shoe boxes while you shop! He’s a keeper!

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