McG Best of 2013 : Moments

The week is almost over, friends! We’ll be spending our weekend counting (and double and triple checking) votes, getting ready to announce the big Best of 2013 winner on Monday morning!

If you haven’t voted in the contest yet, it’s not too late! You’ve got ’til Sunday at 5 p.m. to vote, share the post, and help your favorite couple of 2013 win a canvas of their wedding portrait. You can scroll down here to see all our other “best of 2013” posts, or CLICK HERE to go straight to the contest blog post.

As much as I love the contest portion of this annual “Year in Review”, I must admit… Mack and I love this post the most. The MOMENTS of the year. The unscripted things. The “right place at the right time” images. The real laughs, real tears, catch-your-breath glimpses of humanity. We strive to capture these genuine memories for our clients at every single wedding, and being able to see this small excerpt collection at that year’s effort is so rewarding.

We’ve arranged today’s blog post to be more or less chronological through a wedding day, starting with the “getting ready”. We hope you enjoy it as much as we have! 🙂


First Sights… oh, where ALL the happy is. 🙂


Our favorite ceremonies to photograph are the ones that really FEEL like the bride & groom. Those are the ones that pull out the real smiles, the real tears… and even the real deep breaths you’ve gotta take to keep from fainting. 😉


There’s NOTHING like those first few minutes after “I Do”… a whole new world spreads out in front of you!




A private last dance is almost always the most romantic part of the day…


A million Thank Yous to ALL our 2013 brides & grooms for asking us to be the ones who captured these precious moments. We don’t take your trust lightly, and we’re thrilled to know you cherish these images the way we hoped you would.

Keep spreading the word… you’ve still got Saturday & Sunday to get the vote about before we announce the winner of the big “Best of 2013” contest! 🙂

  1. bobbileigh says:

    This is probably my favorite post of the year, and I was looking forward to it after last years. Madlyn and Willums hug, the bride and groom by the bon fire, and pretty much all the private last dance pics are the best!

  2. Casey Bjorklund says:

    These are so fantastic. Very touching moments! I can’t wait to see what you guys capture for mine and Devin’s wedding day!!! Loved this week of blog posts 🙂

  3. LeighAnn Standridge says:

    Favorite post. I got teary eyed, had aww moments and smiled. So sweet, you can feel the emotions in all of the photos!!

  4. Vicky says:

    Absolutely love the private dance photo with all the Christmas lights! So beautiful and serene!

  5. Adria says:

    Ok, this is my favorite post of the week! The bride with the Wild Turkey is perfection! Although not gonna lie, I can’t believe my stepdad giving my mom a lap dance didn’t make the cut! That one goes down in family history! LOVE this post and LOVE my McG’s!

  6. Adria says:

    Oh, and my mom would have told you to include the one of me sinking into the sand and squealing about it. 🙂

  7. Natalie Guzman says:

    All gorgeous. All amazing and intimate moments. You guys are Rock Stars!

  8. Faith W. says:

    So fun to see all of these – so many happy moments! I especially love the one of the bride and groom with orange flowers where he’s checking out his ring. It’s such a funny sensation at first, and a moment that I haven’t seen captured in a photograph. Great shot.

  9. megB says:

    THIS. This is my favorite post of the year. So many wondrous moments!

  10. stephanie says:

    These are truly the best images of the year as far as I’m concerned. I laughed and cried through them all.

  11. Amy Anderson says:

    I think this was my favorite post. I loved it! To me this is what truly showed each & every one of the couples personalities! I feel like I actually attended every wedding on here or even wished I actually had! Loved it! Thank you for doing these “Best Of” posts – they really are such a wonderful recap of such a big year for all of us!! xoxo

  12. Rachel Knox says:

    It is such an honor to be featured in some of these, and after looking through the “best of’s” this week, I feel so lucky all over again that we had such amazing photographers on our big day! The in-between moments like these are some of our favorite photos!!

  13. Candice says:

    I just love that I don’t know a single person in any of these pictures but I was misting up scrolling through them. THAT is how amazing your work is!

  14. Mandaroo says:

    I loved this post the most I think! The wedding dress choices by the brides were just gorgeous! My favorites though have to be the “first look” and the “private last dances”!! I absolutely love the look of all of the couples so happy and in love throughout those! I also really loved the sparkler pictures as well! Great job capturing such prettiness!

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