Happy Birthday, Mr. President… | McGowan Images Blog


Happy Birthday, Mr. President…

(Mack’s birthday is tomorrow, and we’re shooting a wedding because he’s a generous soul like that. Leave him some birthday love here, and on Facebook tomorrow!)

I wish I could jump out of a cake for you… but we’re not allowed to eat cake on this diet.

I wish I could wiggle around in a tight little dress and sing a breathy tune for you, a la Marilyn Monroe, but I can’t keep a straight face.

I wish I could buy you all the awesome things we see on the internet and say “Someday”, or take you to Australia, or even just give you a week off work instead of just today.Happy-Birthday-Mack

I can’t do those things.

But I CAN, and I will, love you real hard. Today and every day. I’m so glad you have birthdays, because it makes me remember even more clearly that I’m crazy grateful you were born.

Happy birthday, to my very own Mr. President. 🙂


  1. Jennifer Ritter says:

    Happy Birthday Mack. You’ve got an amazing talent and I hope you get to spend some quality time with your family today!!!

  2. Ambo says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!!! Hope you enjoy your day even though you are working! (I know you will because you are awesome like that) You are such an awesome friend and a wonderful Dad, and an amazing husband to one of my best friends. Hope you feel all the love you deserve on your day! Love ya!

  3. ann says:

    Happy Birthday Mack – you are awesome!

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