Sam in Dallas

When my sister and I were kids, my parents were super supportive of our dreams and goals. They made sure we always knew that we could be whatever we wanted to be, and that they would do whatever they could to help us get there. To that end, they got ME an electric guitar and voice lessons, and they bought SAM an amazing camera.


So close. 😉

Sam did a little Texas homecoming tour last week, and we were so completely blown away, both by the support she received and the performances she gave. I have known for 10 years that my sister was a talented songwriter, but until this year, I had no idea what a ROCK STAR she really is. And, if you were lucky enough to be in the audience of either her Corpus Christi or Dallas concerts, you know exactly what I mean!

Mack and I weren’t able to attend the Corpus Christi event because of McGowan Images obligations, but we made up for it by making sure we could document the rest of Sam’s Texas week.

We started things off last Monday at Beans & Franks in Stephenville, a really adorable little coffee bar / gourmet hot dog stand. I wasn’t sure what to expect, since this was originally just billed as a “thank you” acoustic show for friends & family, but people were spilling out the front doors, and the joint was hoppin’ until way past closing time!


On Tuesday, I had a sister date with Sam, all about getting prettified for her big Dallas show. She’s been wanting to accent her hair with BLUE for a long time now, and finally pulled the trigger. Needless to say, it turned out pretty perfectly!


On Wednesday, Sam was invited to come speak at the little country school here in Morgan Mill where she attended elementary & junior high. It was pretty surreal to watch her talk about life in LA, her experience on The Voice, and following your dreams, to a crowd of kids sitting in bleachers where I used to watch basketball games as a junior high nerd. Full circle!


And Thursday… well, Thursday was the cherry on top. Sam played an AMAZING show in Dallas at Poor David’s Pub, to a phenomenal crowd, with a pretty handsome backing band. 😉 We had such an incredible time, and we’re so grateful to all of you who took the time to come see her and support her journey!


Here’s the thing… being a musician in LA is hard, but she’s doing it. Living thousands of miles away from your family support system is hard, but she’s doing it. Writing music that sounds different from what’s on the radio, and being honest in your songwriting, is HARD… but she’s doing it. We’re so so very proud of Sam, and know that the most wonderful parts of her journey are still ahead of her!

If you want to buy Sam Behymer music (and you definitely should, in part because buying current music is how we fund NEW music!!), t-shirts, etc, you need to check out www.sambehymer.com.

  1. The Nan says:

    My kids are so dadgum talented!!! Girls, I could never find enough words wonderful enough to tell how proud I am of both of you! You my heart swell out of my chest! I am so grateful that you both have found the drive to chase your dreams down and live them to the hilt!!!

    I love you both more than you can ever know!

  2. giulia says:

    Sam is the most amazing, cute, and amazing (yeh, again) person i’ve ever met (even tho i never met her personally).
    Her songs are just amazing. Her voice is unique. I LOVE HER SO SO SO SO SO muuuuuuuch!!!! I love her more than my cat (and that’s a really hard thing to happen).
    Look, if you read the comments,and if you have contact with her, tell her that me (Giulia Morais de Oliveira), a Brazilian fan love her more than everything (oh, and say to her a huge thanks for the follow on twitter).

    With tones of love,

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