Ian : Newborn Celebration | McGowan Images Blog


Ian : Newborn Celebration

Have I mentioned that I love babies?

It’s true. I love babies and pregnancy and birth and all things related. I love it so much that I’d definitely pursue midwifery if I ever have to give up photography. The whole thing just makes me SO happy. I wish I had time to photograph more newborn sessions, but the time I get to spend a few days a year doing this for our McG wedding alumni is one of the happiest parts of my job.

Tiffany & Mark’s wedding was the first one we shot after Dorothy was born, back in 2010. Just last week, they welcomed sweet baby Ian into the world, and he’s an absolute doll. I think he’s the best behaved newborn I’ve ever photographed… he was perfectly content to snuggle down the whole time I was there!

Feel free to coo over these few favorites from our session. 🙂


Happy belated birthday, precious boy! What a wonderful world you’ve been born into! 🙂

  1. Tiffany & Mark says:

    We’re in LOVE with them! So beautiful. You did such a wonderful job of capturing our sweet boy.

  2. Kat says:

    Oh gosh, guys! He is SO adorable!! In some photos he looks just like momma, and in another just like his dad! Gahhhhh!!! I’m beyond excited for y’all!!!!! Congrats X1000!!

  3. Sara says:

    Beautiful pictures! And congrats to Tiffany and Mark.

  4. Lacey says:

    Oh my goodness. He is so adorable. Fabulous pictures!

  5. Leslie says:

    I’m pretty partial, but this is my favorite newborn session ever. What a tiny piece of sleepy adorableness.

  6. Erica says:

    Oh my!! Oh my! This little man is just the cutest! SO sweet!!!! 😀

  7. Brianna says:

    His little squishy faces are to die for! He is so beautiful. Congrats Tiffany and Mark!

  8. Chelsea says:

    Oh my gosh… these are so precious! I love the second one. That expression is priceless!!!

  9. Allison says:

    so, so adorable – my uterus totally twinged

  10. Julie says:

    What a cutie and I see a little smirk coming in already! Congratulations to you both!!!!

  11. Casey says:

    These are so cute! The first few photos with that grin are absolutely heart-melting!! Beautiful baby 🙂 Cant wait to join in on the newborn session some day 🙂

  12. Mandaroo says:

    Such sweet pics! He is so handsome!

  13. bobbileigh says:

    Congrats Tiffany and Mark! The one where he is puckered his lips is just so cute, love them all!

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