Allison & Brett : Engagement | McGowan Images Blog


Allison & Brett : Engagement

Mack and I have been in love with the Marble Falls area for years now. We love vacationing there, day tripping there, even just driving through the pretty little lake town. We posted a few photos earlier this summer of a family trip to Inks Lake State Park and Devil’s Waterhole, and Allison immediately emailed me and said, “That. I want that. For engagement pictures.” If you’re looking to nurture your relationship further or seeking guidance through challenges, consider exploring couples therapy, learn more about its benefits.

I proceeded to explain to Allison that we’ve been dying to shoot some sessions in this spot (one of our favorites in the whole state), but that it was going to be pretty physically demanding with all the hiking involved. Allison reassured me that she & Brett were all-in, and excited to see what we would come up with.

Fast forward to last week, with the most beautiful blue sky and puffy white clouds, delicious breezes and a little green still on the trees. The climbing & hiking and (ahem) jumping to get these photos might have worn us all out, but I hope you’ll agree, the end-product was so totally worth it.

We started our session at Longhorn Caverns. We didn’t go down INTO the caves (at least, not on this trip), but just the public areas are plenty awesome.


These lovebirds have been together for several years, and the easy nature of their relationship makes them so much fun to photograph. You can tell instantly that they truly are best friends, and enjoy every second they spend together.

But, ya know, they can pull out the smolder faces when we need a break from laughing. 😉


If you haven’t noticed Allison’s stunning eyes before now, you’ll definitely notice them now! And no, that isn’t photoshop magic. She’s just gorgeous.


After the caverns, we drove down a few miles of beautiful country rode and hit Inks Lake State Park, and then hiked over to the area around the Devils Waterhole. This truly is the most magical place in Texas, as far as I’m concerned, and I could shoot forty-eleven sessions here and never get tired of it.


Remember what I said about Jumping?? Yeah. That happened. If you’ve got to get into the lake for steamy wet end-of-session photos, you might as well get into it in the most fun way possible, right?

Allison & Brett showed that 20 foot cliff who’s BOSS.


I almost felt like Mack and I should avert our eyes from this last scene. Instead, we just embraced our creeper natures and took lots of pictures. 🙂


You guys. You’re smokin’ hot, so much fun, and we’re so glad you chose us to capture all these special moments for you. Whyyyyy does your wedding have to still be 7 months away?

  1. Allison says:

    Ahhh I don’t even know where to start! 1. You made me cry a little!!! 2. You totally captured every aspect of our relationship! Playful, sassy, serious (every once in awhile) and so much love. Brett has always made me feel beautiful and sexy but y’all captured it on film, which as awkward as I can be around a camera, is no easy feat!! 3. You and Mack just ooze passion for your craft. Working with you guys is such a blessing, you put us as ease and made us laugh throughout the entire session. It’s easy to tell you don’t just want to snap a few photos and move on, you make ART out of normal people and capture a moment full of excitement and love.

    My only complaint? I am just a tiny bit disappointed the pics of me having a nearly full blown panic attack before our “romantic” cliff jump didn’t make it in the blog 😉

    Seriously can’t thank you enough, I will treasure these pictures for the rest of my life.

    Now if I can just wait out the next 7 months….

  2. Vicky says:

    SO STEAMY!! Love them!

  3. M-Dawg says:

    Holy wowzers! What a fantastic shoot! That one with THE SKY!!!!!!! And those in-the-water shots, DANG! Beautifully done, McGs, as always. <3

  4. Wow….love the water shot……my favorite…steamy and hot but also tasteful in every aspect…..great capture to truly see what your couple is all about. Love your work.

  5. Rhonda Watts says:

    OMG! The passion in those photos! Amazing. You guys are an awesome team.

  6. Kaitlyn says:

    As someone who has seen this relationship grow from the very beginning, I could not be more thrilled with how you captured their love. As I knew you would because you did the same for us! This shoot is killer!! Also – I’m still not convinced Brett didn’t push Allison off of the cliff… 😉

  7. WOW!! This is probably my favourite session you guys have ever done. You can feel the chemistry in these photos and I may have had to fan myself with the last few. What a stunning couple. Good luck for the future you two.

    You and Mack inspire me as a photographer and I love getting the little pings saying another post is available from your website. You have given me confidence to want to pursue my photography and and play around with portraits. Thank you for being you and capturing these amazing moments for people.


  8. Nicole says:

    BEAUTIFUL session!!!!

  9. Erica says:

    Oh man! I didn’t have access to a computer Friday and an iPhone really doesn’t capture these images well enough. This is brilliant! I love every shot! You guys are awesome!!!

  10. […] We knew we hardcore adored Allison & Brett when we photographed their engagement session. […]

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