And the Sun Sets…

There are many varied opinions about whether or not these blessedly cooler North Texas temperatures will stick around for good, but one thing is for sure… highs in the 70s multiple days in a row means the sun is setting on another wonderful summer.

We’ve been lucky to have lots of great adventures, both personally & professionally, this summer. We photographed beautiful weddings and sessions, traveled with our kiddos, and spent good time with good friends. We feel like we got more QUALITY time while the kids were out of school this summer, and that was particularly welcome. As they get older, it’s more and more noticeable how fast the days fly by.

But that doesn’t just apply to our kids… it applies to our time with friends, too. Mack and I consider ourselves very fortunate to have the group of close friends we do. We can count on each other in good times and bad, in celebrations and in struggles. We can travel internationally, or we can lay around in someone’s living room. What matters most is that a few times a year, this group of people from all different backgrounds takes a sacrificial break from their “real lives” and prioritizes time spent with one another. We don’t take that time for granted because, really, who knows how many of these trips we’ll get?

We closed down Summer 2014 with our wolfpack last weekend at the Treehouse in Kingsland on Lake LBJ. We rented this house on VRBO, and the photos on the website did NOT do it justice… so we took some beautiful ones for them. 😉 Our entire crew was SUPER comfy in this property for four nights, and there were 7 double beds left with no one sleeping in them. I think we’ll definitely be using this property again in the future.


Two of the nights we were at the treehouse, we got to swim & watch a killer storm front blow in. Swimming in the rain might be one of my favorite things in the world.


On Saturday, we rented a boat! Well, actually, we rented TWO boats. The first one they brought us kept making terribly disconcerting noises, so we had to take it back and get a new one, which was kiiiiind of a pain. But hey, it’s worth it for lots of time with the wind in our hair (and laughing as everyone falls off the tube!)


The vast majority of the photos I shot of everyone and their “water sports” look something like this….


Needless to say, none of the Wolfpack will be dominating the X games anytime soon. 😉 But I did manage to get some fun ones of everyone, and Mack got some *ahem* amusing shots of me as well!

I’m pretty disappointed in myself now that I didn’t get an epic portrait of our buddy, Captain Eric. Poor dude is nursing a back injury and couldn’t bounce around on a tube or kneeboard, but he sure made certain that everyone else was having an amazing time!


No, Meagan didn’t go fast without a life vest.

No, that’s not a big diamond necklace… it’s a shiny tattoo. She’s just almost too cute for the lake. 😉


I think I win for the most ridiculous faces made while tubing.


Kevin wrapped the party up and made us all look bad with his athletic prowess. He went backwards and everything! I thought my arms were going to pop out of socket just getting up onto the kneeboard, so I was super impressed with KB’s skills.


Sunday was a lazy day, spent fishing & braiding hair & eating too much, and then exploring Inks Lake. We loved getting to show our best friends one of our favorite spots in the world, and the weather was completely gorgeous for exploring.


A little photo evidence of Mack & Meagan doing a big cliff jump toward the end of the evening…


And then on Monday, home. Back to real lives, and kids, and careers… and planning the next time we can get together and be pointedly irresponsible together again.


Thank God for friends that are the same kind of different as us.

  1. Kevin says:


  2. Nicole says:

    So much awesome in all of these photos! Can’t wait for the next get together!!!

  3. stephanie says:

    Thank you so much for these photos — I now know without a shadow of a doubt that tubing is definitely not for me. 🙂 Beautiful photos as always!

  4. selita says:

    I just want to say you guys are the best at your craft. I have seen a lot of wedding and engagement photos but what you guys do is magic! Thanks for the great pics you did for Allison and Brett and for being so much fun in the process!

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