Happy Halloween 2014

We admit… Halloween got a little away from us this year. It’s normally one of our favorite days of the year, but between busy schedules & the house being under construction (you’ll hear more about that later!), we had a hard time getting around to all the stuff we wanted to do. We’re very much looking forward to a proper Halloween party next year… you can bet 2015 plans are already underway. 🙂

This year might have been low key, but we’re going to fix it when it counts. The kids don’t know it yet, but when they get home from school, we’ll have some guests at the house with all sorts of Halloween treats, and pumpkin carving, and games, and spooky treats. Might as well condense all the celebration into THE DAY, right?

Jack chose to dress up as Mickey in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice this year. I admit, we were a little thrown off by his choice, since the last four years have been so… dare I say, badass? But he’s a Disney-loving nerd like the rest of us, so we helped him embrace exactly what he wanted to be, even if it didn’t lend itself to a full photoshoot. He wore that costume with PRIDE to the Spook Parade at school today, and it just makes me want to squeeze him all over!


If you didn’t see Dorothy’s Halloween pictures we blogged a while back, you should definitely go check those out in THIS POST:


Happy Halloween, friends & blogstalkers! Be safe this weekend… and have a spooooooky night!


  1. Aunt Ambo says:

    Love it! Such amazing kiddos my 2 best friends have!

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