McG Littles Halloween 2015

I had all these plans this week.

I was going to get the most recent wedding and a portrait session on the blog… that’s gonna be next week now.

I was going to deep clean the office… maybe tomorrow.

Mack and I had grand ideas to take a photo of OUR Halloween costume… yeah right.

Basically, I have felt like I was busybusybusy ALL WEEK, and somehow have managed to not really accomplish anything. Raise your hand if you’ve had weeks like that. (counts hands)

The good news is, we photographed Jack & Dorothy’s costumes a week or so back, so those aren’t one of the things that got put in the “shoulda done” pile. And that’s particularly great because we haven’t missed photographing their costumes since Dorothy was born, and I don’t want to start now!

For the uninitiated, you can check out past editions here… 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

Before last year’s candy was even gone, both Jack and Dorothy had announced their 2015 costume choices. Because they’re kids, I really assumed they’d change their minds. But I was wrong, and they went the entire year hatching schemes about exactly what they wanted when it was time to take their portraits as a witch and Gandalf the Grey.

I love these nerds.


That sassy face… she just kills me.

Jack wanted to make sure we captured some classic Gandalf elements, like “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” and chilling with pipe weed and cool smoke. Basically, Jack is the greatest.


Happy Halloween, ghouls & guys! It looks like it might be a wild & stormy weekend for all us undead partiers!

  1. Mari Thomas says:

    Geez, I love your kids. Jack’s Bond and Dot’s Merida costumes are still my all time favorites!

  2. Bethe says:

    Your kids are so darn cool. I’m going to miss seeing them Friday night!

  3. Aunt Ambo says:

    I love love love these posts and those adorable kiddos!!!! Amazing!

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