I admit, I totally planned to have this engagement session on the blog sooner. In fact, we already delivered the full collection, which we hardly ever do before a blog post. But I just couldn’t make myself sit down and pick which ones to edit, so I put it off, and before you know it, I’m embarrassingly behind!! I’ll get back on the blogging horse someday… I almost guarantee it. 😉
Laura & Jeff were SO much fun. We chased light all over the Stockyards, and a new favorite spot along the Trinity River, until the sun was way past gone. We talked non-stop, mostly about the community aspect of cooking around a campfire for our ancestors, and how that is lost on modern society. Culinary geeks, unite!!
It’s kind of a shame their wedding isn’t until November, but we know it’s going to be totally worth the wait. Here are some faves!
Fort Worth, y’all. It’s hard to beat.
Thank you guys SO much for coming out to play! We raced you through fields and had you climb down steep embankments and it was so sweaty-hot, but you rocked every second of it anyway. 🙂
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