We’ve been excited about Mike & Jenna’s wedding since we heard they got engaged. Not because we assumed they’d hire us, but because Jenna & I are pretty tight.
What’s “pretty tight”?
Well, she’s spent nearly 40 hours with her needle in my skin… so I’d say we’re pretty close. 😉
I went to high school with Jenna & Mike, but we weren’t close then. Since she’s done my two big watercolor tattoo pieces, we’ve had so much time to catch up. It’s really nice to realize that someone you knew as a teenager has turned into a super cool grownup!
We’ve loved every session we’ve photographed for Jenna & Mike, and now we’re excited to call it alllll wrapped up. Now we can just hang out when neither of us has to be worried about creating art!
These sweethearts became Mr. & Mrs. Patterson at Ashton Gardens two weeks ago today, and we’re beyond ready to show off all their pretty… so enjoy!
If looking through that didn’t make you happy, then… well, we have different happies, for sure.
congrats again, y’all. We’re so glad to have been with you.
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