Emili : Celebration

We get to celebrate different milestones with different people very very often… it might be my favorite part of our job. Each of the celebrations are a little different, but every single one of them is worth crowing about. And this one?? Emili waiting to welcome her sweet girl Ruth into the world… this one was extra fun to celebrate.

We shot this session last week around Possum Kingdom Lake in Graford. Many props to Em, who gave us carte blanche to plan her session, and said “absolutely” to anything we asked. Also, note… safety measures were in place in the form of great big muscle bear Mack. So no freaking out, k?

Check out just a couple favorites, and join us in saying “WOW” to how Emili looks at the last days of pregnancy!

Sweetheart, you are BEYOND beautiful, and we can’t wait to meet Ruth. Watching your absolute giddiness throughout this process has been so wonderful… what a lucky little girl to be born into a family so full of love!

  1. Julie Underwood says:

    That’s my girl !!!! Oh McG’s..you did it again!! I love my sweet Emi SO MUCH!!!! And love y’all too!! Isn’t she just the most beautiful girl ever

  2. Renee Garrett says:

    OMG amazingly beautiful gave me cold chills love this girl since she was born can’t wait to see Ruth and love her as much as we luv her momma!❤

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