Jake & Emily : Engagement

We first heard from Emily while we were on our way home from Utah, and she was on her way TO New Mexico. And when we told her we had her December wedding date available, it apparently led to lots of out-loud cheering. That makes us feel SO good, as does the glowing referral from one of SKINbyMcG’s frequent flyers 😉

And in a quick turnaround, we photographed Emily & Jake’s engagement session earlier this week in the Texas Hill Country. They met us at Longhorn Caverns State Park, and hopefully we sold them on the idea of coming back on a date day and actually walking through the caverns… we love it so much. And after that first set, we drove a little further up Historic Park Road 4 and shot around Devil’s Waterhole in Inks Lake State Park. I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it… that little spot is my favorite place in the entire state of Texas.

Here’s a snippet of their full engagement session collection, a great sampling of all the fun we had. Enjoy!

What an absolutely gorgeous day. Thank y’all so much for choosing us, we’re excited for the rest of the adventure!