McG in Utah : 2019

Hopefully you saw a couple blogs back when we posted the sessions we photographed in Moab last month… if not, go ahead and scroll back, we’ll wait.

Hi again! In addition to photographing that sweet family both at sunset AND in the middle of the night, we planned to make the trip an all-out photo safari. That meant very little sleep, lots of hiking, one badly sprained ankle, and so many “oh my god, that’s just incredible”. Our adventures around Arches & Canyonlands National Parks, among other gasp-worthy areas, made up one of the most fun work trips we’ve ever had together.

The photos included in this blog are just a selection of the huge collection we brought home. The astrophotography pieces were all photographed by Mack, but we collaborated on composition/lighting occasionally. I only mention that because I’m following it up with… man, y’all. He’s so good at this stuff.

Stay tuned for a McG art gallery coming to a website near you soon. With astrophotography from ALL over, and landscapes also from near & far, it’ll have a lot of gorgeous to look through. We’re so honored that people have already started buying some of these art pieces to hang on their walls, and we want to have a great way to present the work… whether it’s just to enjoy, or to have to hold in your own hands. 🙂

But enough with the chatter, let’s look at beautiful Utah!

Thank you so much for following what we do, both for our clients and for our own spirits. These trips mean the world to us, and we’re already nailing down plans for the next one!