bride in boots | McGowan Images Blog

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Our last wedding of the year always carries a lot of pressure, whether that’s fair or not. We obviously like to end every year on a high note… happy people, smooth day, killer dance party. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it’s a little harder. But this year? We ended 2016 with a doozy of a wedding […]

Gerrod & Caitlin : Wedding

After a ton of hemming & hawing, I decided there just wasn’t a comfortable place to cut Blaize & Cameron’s wedding blog post in half. So even though there are quite a few images chosen for their blog collection, you get them all in one MONSTER post instead of having to wait two days! 🙂 […]

Blaize & Cameron : Wedding


We made some beautiful portraits of Shelley & Matt after their First Sight, as the clouds provided light that was nice & diffused for the first part of their day. But then… oh man, right about ceremony time, the clouds broke apart and golden springtime sunlight came screaming through, and we just couldn’t get ENOUGH! […]

Shelley & Matt : Wedding Pt. 2



We knew immediately upon meeting Shelley & Matt that they were going to be a great fit for McGowan Images. After all, that’s why we agreed to spend our own wedding anniversary photographing their special day. 🙂 But even knowing how great they are… even after laughing our way through their killer engagement session… even […]

Shelley & Matt : Wedding Pt. 1

Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂 I ran out of blog days to spread Nikki & Ben’s wedding into two parts… so, oh darn, you guys just get one MASSIVE blog post today! I know everyone’s super upset about that, right? This wedding was SO much fun! Nikki & Ben were joined by family from all over, […]

Nikki & Ben : Wedding