When Lindy first emailed us, she was kind of in a hurry. She knew her fiance would only be in town for about two weeks, and they wanted to do everything they could to get an engagement session done before the fall foliage was gone… even though they didn’t have a wedding date set yet. […]
We ALMOST missed gorgeous light for this engagement session. When the forecast showed an Arctic front blowing in, we tried to reschedule Nikki & Ben’s portraits, so they wouldn’t be freezing to death. The reschedule didn’t work out, so they decided to be troopers and stick with the original date despite the forecast. Lo & […]

Mack and I were excited about this engagement session. We were excited enough to propel us on a 4 hour drive, and to shoot about twice as long as normal, and to laugh through a Mexican dinner. We were excited to try new things, and shoot some of our favorite clients-turned-friends. We were excited because […]