getting closer…

I don’t mind saying that I’m pretty done being pregnant. I mean, it still has it’s perks. People tend to get out of my way. But I feel safe announcing that here, at a little over 8 months, I could have this baby today and be a very happy camper.

Alas, she’s not done baking yet, so we won’t get to meet her for a while. 🙁

We got our final 3D sonogram done at StorkVision Fort Worth on Thursday evening, and once again had a resoundingly pleasant experience. The staff there is just so great, and the atmosphere so homey… I’m so glad we pressed forward searching until we found them!

Dorothy was a tad more cooperative this time, although it’s clear she has no interest in the camera. I think she just knows she’ll be the most photographed baby since the Brangelina twins, and wants to hang on to her privacy as long as possible.

I thought I’d share a few of our favorite shots with you, since of COURSE I’m not the only one who’s dying to see this baby girl… right? RIGHT?!?! 😉

Dorothy face

Dorothy’s face is on the left side of the image, with her fist up in front of her eye on the left side. Eyes, nose, lips… all there. So beautiful! (not that I’m biased, or anything)

Dottie's lips
Same position, just a bigger shot. Look at those lips! Definitely my daughter.

The shot below has been annotated. It doesn’t have the same cuteness factor as the ones above, because she was moving in and out of focus, so she kind of looks like the nose-less wonder. 😉 But it’s the first shot that clearly showed us her double chin with the dimple, and it melted my heart completely. I love fat babies… she is absolutely going to be one! She comes by it naturally, too. I was almost 10 pounds, and Mack was over 10 pounds. Oh gosh… what have I gotten myself into?

Dottie annotated

Love it!!!

In an extra display of fantasticness, Scott & Sarah at StorkVision are extending a promotional price to my readers. If you call and book an appointment with the Fort Worth location and mention Chelsea McGowan, you’ll get $20 off your package! Judging by the ever-increasing number of preggos on my FB roster and frequent-reader list, I thought that was pretty great of them! (BTW: typo not mine. They’re sweet, even if the proofreading isn’t stellar. 😉 )


All in all, this is really a wonderful time for our family. It’s becoming more real all the time that in about 6 weeks, we’re going to be bringing home a baby girl!! That helps get my butt in gear as far as the nursery goes. NOPE, it’s still not painted. Oh well, we’ll get there.

This last week has been maternity portrait bonanza. We worked with Jennifer Strain, who’s family portraits I did before Christmas in trade for a preggo shoot. Then I modeled for the fantastic Sarah Bridle of Noire Belle boudoir, in a pretty killer Rock N Roll belly boudoir shoot. And then, over the weekend in Kansas, we got a few more shots taken by Mack’s cousin Jennifer who’s a photographer up north. Sometime soon, once I get all the images compiled, I’ll do a blog with everything. But until then, I’ll leave you with my favorite that I’ve seen so far.

It helps that it highlights the total amazingness of Jack. You’d think that a six-almost-seven-year-old would be worried, or start acting out as more and more attention went toward preparing for a new baby. After all, he’s been the “only” for a very long time! But our son is about the coolest kid on the planet, and is as excited and ready to meet Dorothy as we are.

Plus, come on… that face!


Engagements and seniors coming your way this week… a post is scheduled for every day but Monday!

See ya!

  1. Ambo says:

    Love love love it!!!! She is soooo adorable/beautiful already! I can’t wait to see the whole maternity bonanza blog!!! So excited.
    I love that picture of Jack, he is such a adorable ham! Love you guys! See ya Monday!

  2. Nicole says:

    I love the picture of you and your family! The balloons give the shot such a fun feeling.

  3. annie says:

    I ♥ the McGowan family!!!

  4. Christian F. says:

    Oh I can’t wait to see all of your pictures!! I love this one so much. You have such a happy and fun family! I am so excited for Dorothy to come!

  5. Julie says:

    BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Wow!!..Those lips are SO Pretty!! How SweeT she is!! She really is cute!! And…..what a Handsome big brother she has!! We are so happy and for your whole family..Also,.,.glad to hear your weekend road trip went great and y’all made a safe trip. See you at the shower.

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