dorothy jane : guest blogger | McGowan Images Blog


dorothy jane : guest blogger


My name is Dorothy, and I am two months old.

What… you couldn’t blog when YOU were two months old?

I have about eleventy-seven-million really cute outfits, and my favorite thing in the world to be is NAKED.

If I could talk, the first thing I’d say is “Let me do it myself.” I love to sit up and look around, and I’d really prefer not to be held like a baby. Ever. Thanks.

I already understand that my Daddy and Brother are insanely funny, and I laugh at them frequently… just not when there’s a camera around.

I spend my days hanging out on Mom’s lap, talking to the pictures of pretty people. They’re all very good looking, but I’m fairly certain they’re not nice, because they never talk back at me. What’s that about? Sometimes it upsets me a great deal.

I love the bath, because really, water is awesome.

Sometimes, when nothing else will calm me down, really loud classic rock will do the trick. Which is handy, because my parents are a bit on the deaf side, apparently, and listen to all their music way too loud.

People take pictures of me. A lot. I’ve started to figure out that they want me to look at the shiny piece right in the middle of the black box. At least, that seems to make them happy. Sometimes I make a funny face, just to trip my mom out, and she squeals. They’re so easily entertained.

My Brother takes good care of me. He makes sure I’m never cold, and always have my pacifier. Sometimes, he tells Mom that I’m hungry, but I’m really not, but hey… eating is always nice.

Speaking of eating, I do that a lot. It’s my favorite thing. Mom has gotten real good at multi-tasking, and now she can edit and feed me at the same time. Are all Moms superheros in this way, or is mine just super cool?

So, yeah, that’s pretty much life these days.

And even though I made it VERY clear that I’d prefer to always be naked, I decided that I’d go ahead and let Mom dress me, for the sake of my Two Month Birthday.

It’s a big deal, ya know.

This is me, humoring my mother by wearing an aqua & zebra print tutu. I feel ridiculous.

This is the side of my head. I like to turn away from Mom at the last minute. Fun trick.

This is my half smile. It’s the only one I’ll do when there’s a camera around. Gotta save some stuff for the live show!

This is my new favorite game. If you stick your tongue out at me, I will stick my tongue out at you, and we will laugh and be the best of friends.

And, finally, this is what I look like within minutes of Mom taking that silly tutu off of me. It’s hard work being so gorgeous.

Thanks for reading my guest post, grownups. Be sure and tell my mom how cute I am, so she’ll let me do this again when I’m three months old. 😉

  1. Misty says:

    Eeeeeeeeeheheeee, OMGOODNESS!!! Those eyes, SO captivating. This blog entry could not be any cuter!!! The tongue pic is LOL-worthy 🙂
    Happy two-months, Baby Dot. WOW how time flies!

  2. Anne says:

    She is BEAUTIFUL. Look at those eyes!!

  3. Lyndie says:

    Baby Dot, you’re mother is super cool. You’re blessed. You’re also precious as all get out, naked or in a tutu. Love these and am so excited for your three month pictures. Stay gorgeous, and get some rest…and food. 😉

  4. Rachel says:

    awwwwwww. she is just too beautiful for words. I want to see her again!

  5. Tiffany says:

    Its good that kid likes classic rock. Gotta keep it alive.

    And that tutu is ridonk.

  6. Monica Farmer says:

    CHELSEA!! OMG This is the best blog you have done EVER!! I loved it, was smiling the whole way through..and I think you should do this every month! It is so awesome to see the love of a mother captured through a camera!! LOVE IT!!

  7. annie says:

    This is great!! Love it!! She’s definitely a keeper!

  8. Sarah says:

    Baby Dot, you are a most excellent blogger. Must get it from your Mommy, because she is an amazing blogger too. You are amazingly adorable. Keep eating and sleeping, because pretty soon, you won’t be able to do that whenever you want. Seriously, I want a nap right now, but, I can’t. Much sadness. :o( But I digress. Stay gorgeous. And can’t wait for the 3 month blog.

  9. Jennifer says:

    She is soooooo cute!!! Love her blue eyes!

  10. Carman says:

    She’s just too adorable! Love those gorgeous eyes and that little tongue!

  11. Aunt Ambo says:

    Love it, Love it, Love it!!!! Aunt Ambo loves you Dorothy Jane!!!! Beautiful shots of a gorgeous girl!!!!!

  12. Stefani says:

    She is adorable! I can’t wait to see the 3 month old blog!

  13. Jana says:

    Oh my goodness Dot you are gorgeous. Naked is good, but turqoise tutus are even better.Can’t wait for next round of pics. Love, Nana Jana

  14. Jana says:

    Oh my Dot you are gorgeous! Naked is good, but turqoise tutus are even better. Can’t wait for the next round of pics. Love you bunches, Nana Jana

  15. Stephanie Moore Hager says:

    The wardrobe change must have worn her out! She is a doll!!!

  16. Tiffany says:

    Haha, this is too cute!

  17. Marybeth says:

    She is so dang pretty! I love the stars, but I’m a sucker for a tutu. Enjoy every minute!

  18. Danielle says:

    LOVE her screaming blue eyes. Lucky lil’ girl. What a precious, sweet girl!! Happy 2 months Dot!

  19. Liesa says:

    Just too much fun! Adore that tutu…where can I get one? And a time machine to go back and wear it? On the edge of my seat for the 3 months!

  20. Natalie says:

    so, so , so cute!!!

  21. Nicole says:

    Dot has written a great blog! Too funny! Love the tutu! The pic with Dot’s tongue stuck out is my favorite!

  22. Jen says:

    Your baby is absolutely breathtaking. Great pics!

  23. Amber Burris says:

    Wow, look at those amazing baby blues!! I love this blog!! So cool that a 2 month old can blog ;o) Loved her little tutu even though it wore her out to have her clothes on!! Keep these coming!! Happy 2 month birthday Baby Dot!

  24. Julie says:

    Kaity still looks like this when she sleeps and I still can just sit there and stare at her until my heart bursts.

  25. Jennifer says:

    OMG i just LOVE it all! she is just beautiful!!

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