Dottie is 8 months old! (plus, McG Munchkins Christmas Card) | McGowan Images Blog


Dottie is 8 months old! (plus, McG Munchkins Christmas Card)

Dottie is 8 months old, and all decked out for Christmas! The last month has been a big one for her… finally becoming full mobile as she crawls everywhere, and getting two shiny white teeth! We know she’s not really going to understand all the hoopla around Christmas, but man, I’m still so excited for her to open presents. It’s going to be a fun morning for all four of us!

The tutu she’s wearing for her 8 month pictures was a gift from some of our favorite repeat clients, Kevin & Nicole Berg. Thanks guys… she loved all the sequins! 🙂

The chair was a junk store find, that Mack painted and recovered for me. A pretty new prop!

Here are a few of my favorites… it’s hard no to post a lot when this sweet baby loooooves the camera!

That look says, “see how pretty I am?”

“Hi Dad!”

This is about the time we gained an audience! There was a really young girl out taking some point&shoot portraits of a little family at the same location, and they came to watch us all jump around like monkeys so Dorothy would laugh. I bet we were pretty silly looking!

You should see my “outtakes”… the many faces of Dottie.

So big standing up!

We changed Dot’s clothes real quick so that we could do an “official” Christmas picture of the kids. We had grand ideas of getting this done sooner so we could send out Christmas cards to everyone on our list… but yeah, that didn’t happen. Next year! This year, we just printed out a few here in the office to give to grandparents and such. Before the real thing, there are a few that didn’t end up being the front of the card, but are still pretty cute…

Dottie had a miniature meltdown… but a quick hug from brother fixed her right up! She loves him so much.

And finally, the official McG Christmas card. If you’re offended that we didn’t send you one, feel free to print this out, stick it in your mailbox, and pretend we did. 🙂

Aren’t my children just gorgeous? 🙂

Merry Christmas, my lovelies. You guys have made helped make this Christmas season one of the best ever!

  1. bobbileigh says:

    I never thought I would look forward to pictures of kids as much as I do with Jack and Dot! The waving to daddy and the hug from Jack made my heart melt as much as some wedding pics.

  2. Stephanie Moore Hager says:

    Well, obviously you don’t need me to say how adorable these pictures are but I must say the one where they are hugging is simply a tear jerker!

  3. Amanda Johnson says:

    Absolutely adorable. Oh, and I LOVE that chair.

  4. Christian F. says:

    WOW! I can not believe that it has been 8 months already! Your children are ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Seriously, Chels and Mack thank you SO much for posting this 🙂 I love them all!

  5. stephanie says:

    In answer to your question: yes, very!

  6. Amyjo says:


  7. The Nan says:

    So beautiful! What gorgeous grandkids I am blessed to have! Chelsea, you creative eye continues to amaze me. Love you!

  8. betsy says:

    bahahah. the xmas card is just too cute.

  9. annie says:

    Just precious! Love all of them! Such beautiful babies!

  10. Ambo says:

    Oh I love love love it!!! So glad that big ol bow came in handy : ) You guys seriously have the most beautiful children and I love em and you guys both so much. Hope Christmas is one for the books at the McGowan house!

  11. Misty says:

    SO.MUCH.CUTENESS!!!!!!!! Dottie is just enchanting, I’ll never tire at pics of your little beauty! And Jack is so handsome, and such a good big brother! Wonderful, thanks for sharing!!!

  12. Amber says:

    Oh my gosh, the one of them hugging had me tearing up a bit. What a great brother! They are so precious! You must feel like the luckiest mom on the world!

  13. Tiffany L. says:

    Dude, that bow is ridiculous.

  14. Natalie says:

    Such beautiful children! Have a great Christmas!

  15. Kevin says:

    Sooo cute! The hug pic is fantastic and Jack’s boots are cool!

  16. Nicole says:

    Too cute! Love the Christmas card pic!!!

  17. Courtney says:

    These just gave me the wonderfullies 🙂 You have the cutest kids ever!

  18. Liesa says:

    Ohh my word, Chelsea! I’m absolutely floored! Everything about alllll of the pictures was so pretty! Your babies, the chair, the outfits, the props! I’m really stunned! Jack looks like such a stud in that tie and cowboy boots. 🙂 Dottie, of course is precious. Love love love. This brightened my day.

  19. angie stanley says:

    Love all of them, but the one with Jack hugging Dot made me cry. So precious

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