I come to you, oh dear readers, a bit ashamed this Tuesday morning. For if you’ll remember, I promised pictures of the First Annual McG Pyro Thanksgiving… and alas, I have none to share.
Why? Because it was COLD on Thanksgiving!
We totally wussed out… gave up… surrendered to the sudden freeze. And I apologize.
BUT, I still took some pictures of our firework-less Thanksgiving, and I hope you’ll be happy if I just share those instead. If nothing else, it’s a nice break between yesterday’s engagement session and tomorrow’s! 🙂
Rather than make you look through the tons and tons of pictures of food that I took… because really, it’d be mean to make you crave turkey dinner on a Tuesday morning!… I’ll just share a few:
Mmmmm… bird.
My sister’s best friend, Chelsea (CONFUSING!) came in to spend Thanksgiving with us, and she and Dorothy got to be great friends. 🙂
I tried to find a picture of Samantha where she’s being calm and not making a silly face, but I couldn’t, so here’s au natural 🙂
Jack did a WONDERFUL job making place cards for everyone who came to Thanksgiving. He was so proud of his craft!
Ummmm… there are no pictures from during dinner. During dinner, I was stuffing my face like you wouldn’t believe. 🙂 But right AFTER dinner comes dessert, and here’s a cute one of Dottie discovering whipped cream.
A few hours later after everyone had a nap, we built the Gingerbread houses I told you about a few weeks ago! This year, we fashioned an entire village, and had so much fun… next year, Dorothy will be big enough to “help”, so I made sure Jack got to do lots of it on his own this time. But icing from a tube? That’s just a disaster waiting to happen… I manned the icing. 🙂
He was very deliberate about his finishing touches!
Our final product!
Are we the only people who go back for seconds… thirds… fourths on Thanksgiving?
I’ll leave you with a picture of Dorothy all bundled up to head for home… so tired she couldn’t even muster her normal camera smile!
Pray for good weather next year, blogstalkers… I don’t think Mack’s giving up on the PyroThanksgiving dream just yet!
See you tomorrow!
Adorable, makes me want to have a big thanksgiving next year. Love the gingerbread houses and the second to last picture of Dot has a priceless expression.
She is just adorable! The Gingerbread homes were fab!
Ya want to know something? I’ve never made a gingerbread house. Ever. How does that happen? Do you eat them? Because they sure do look yummy! Love the family posts! Makes me miss me some McG!
Thank you for sharing with us! I love these personal posts. 🙂 The gingerbread houses are rockin’, and the last picture of the blog kills me she is so cute! She is sooo pretty!
Your KID is SO cute. KidsS. Both of them. Ughhhhh,
The last three pics are great…but I think Jack and the turkey leg is my favorite!
Please tell Jack that his gingerbread house is AWESOME.
Please tell Jack that his gingerbread house was AWESOME.
OMG, turkey leg-eating pic FOR THE WIN!!!!!!! 🙂
Now I’m hungry…