mcg does thanksgiving

I come to you, oh dear readers, a bit ashamed this Tuesday morning. For if you’ll remember, I promised pictures of the First Annual McG Pyro Thanksgiving… and alas, I have none to share.

Why? Because it was COLD on Thanksgiving!

We totally wussed out… gave up… surrendered to the sudden freeze. And I apologize.

BUT, I still took some pictures of our firework-less Thanksgiving, and I hope you’ll be happy if I just share those instead. If nothing else, it’s a nice break between yesterday’s engagement session and tomorrow’s! 🙂

Rather than make you look through the tons and tons of pictures of food that I took… because really, it’d be mean to make you crave turkey dinner on a Tuesday morning!… I’ll just share a few:

Mmmmm… bird.

My sister’s best friend, Chelsea (CONFUSING!) came in to spend Thanksgiving with us, and she and Dorothy got to be great friends. 🙂

I tried to find a picture of Samantha where she’s being calm and not making a silly face, but I couldn’t, so here’s au natural 🙂

Jack did a WONDERFUL job making place cards for everyone who came to Thanksgiving. He was so proud of his craft!

Ummmm… there are no pictures from during dinner. During dinner, I was stuffing my face like you wouldn’t believe. 🙂 But right AFTER dinner comes dessert, and here’s a cute one of Dottie discovering whipped cream.

A few hours later after everyone had a nap, we built the Gingerbread houses I told you about a few weeks ago! This year, we fashioned an entire village, and had so much fun… next year, Dorothy will be big enough to “help”, so I made sure Jack got to do lots of it on his own this time. But icing from a tube? That’s just a disaster waiting to happen… I manned the icing. 🙂

He was very deliberate about his finishing touches!

Our final product!

Are we the only people who go back for seconds… thirds… fourths on Thanksgiving?

I’ll leave you with a picture of Dorothy all bundled up to head for home… so tired she couldn’t even muster her normal camera smile!

Pray for good weather next year, blogstalkers… I don’t think Mack’s giving up on the PyroThanksgiving dream just yet!

See you tomorrow!

  1. bobbileigh says:

    Adorable, makes me want to have a big thanksgiving next year. Love the gingerbread houses and the second to last picture of Dot has a priceless expression.

  2. Kayla Sellers says:

    She is just adorable! The Gingerbread homes were fab!

  3. annie says:

    Ya want to know something? I’ve never made a gingerbread house. Ever. How does that happen? Do you eat them? Because they sure do look yummy! Love the family posts! Makes me miss me some McG!

  4. Liesa says:

    Thank you for sharing with us! I love these personal posts. 🙂 The gingerbread houses are rockin’, and the last picture of the blog kills me she is so cute! She is sooo pretty!

  5. Meagan says:

    Your KID is SO cute. KidsS. Both of them. Ughhhhh,

  6. Kevin says:

    The last three pics are great…but I think Jack and the turkey leg is my favorite!

  7. Amanda Johnson says:

    Please tell Jack that his gingerbread house is AWESOME.

  8. Amanda Johnson says:

    Please tell Jack that his gingerbread house was AWESOME.

  9. Misty says:

    OMG, turkey leg-eating pic FOR THE WIN!!!!!!! 🙂

  10. Nicole says:

    Now I’m hungry…

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