Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Happy 48th birthday to my Mommy, from whom I got my freckles, my temper, my strange taste in music, and my Coke addiction. (Coca-Cola, guys! JEEZ!) I did not inherit her ability to nurture any living thing that crosses her path, but I’m constantly learning from her. I also did not get her curly hair or her cute nose, and for this, I am forever bitter.

It makes me so happy that my Mommy and I are friends now. There was a time when, although people told me it would happen, I sincerely doubted it. Even now, we’re very different women. But she is one of my dearest friends, and I’m so proud she’s mine.

I also have access to many pictures… shall we look?

This is baby Dorothy… er, I mean, Loree. See what I mean? Uncanny, right?

This is high school Loree! Skinny Minnie!

This is Loree as a bride…

This is Loree with her firstborn… that’s me! 🙂

And then, her firstborn got married! (Me, again)

This is Loree, a few months ago, with my Daddy…

And this is my Mommy and I, last week, at Japanese Palace celebrating her birthday a little early…

Happy birthday, Mommy! We love you so much, and are so blessed we have you around to take care of us. All four of us. We’d be even more of a wreck without you! 🙂

  1. Ambo says:

    Love the personal blogs!!! Happy Birthday Mamela!!!!

  2. Misty says:


  3. Amy says:

    Happy Birthday Loree! I think your little sister looks just like your momma. I had never seen it so much until you posted those pictures. I think Dorothy is a good mix of the two of you. Very beautiful family.

  4. annie says:

    Gorgeous! Her expression in the picture with you as a newborn cracks me up! Love your mama to pieces!

  5. Liesa says:

    Ditto what Amy said. They could have been twins! She’s one pretty Mama, though–Happy birthday to her!

  6. Nanny says:

    I can’t believe you did a whole blog post about me! What a lucky Mama I am to have you! I love you more than words could ever tell. I know you understand that kind of love because of your own 2 special loves. Thank you, Darling for such a dear gift. I love it and it makes me very happy!!!!!

  7. Melissa says:

    Thank you Chelsea, I love these pictures. She does have a heart as big as Texas! Loree you are an amazing woman, love you, Happy Birthday!

  8. Nicole says:

    Happy birthday to your mom!

  9. D'Lynn says:

    OMG! I didn’t realize how much your mom and sister look alike. Great Pictures!

  10. Kevin says:

    Happy birthday to your mom!

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