morning at the beach…

I don’t know if it’s like this for every small business owner, but for me, personally, it is sometimes really hard to take off work. It’s not like calling in to a corporation, or taking a sick day. There’s no one to pick up the slack! The deadlines are self-imposed, and therefore (as least as far as I’m concerned) immovable. And then, of course, there’s always the fact that we really and truly love what we do for a living. Add all that up, and it makes it really easy to just never ever take a break.

BUT, because we know how fleeting life is, we wanted to make a more-than-usual effort to take time off this summer. That means that for parts of August, the blog slims to three days a week, which I HATE… but ya know, it’s worth it. The kids are worth it. They’re worth everything.

We took last Friday morning off and went to spend a few hours at Lake Granbury. It was so nice and calm… and until we got ready to leave at lunchtime, it didn’t break 100 degrees. It was a free trip, and a short one… I happen to believe that’s sometimes where the best memories are made.

And, of course, I took pictures. I even printed several, which is a big deal for me. I don’t want to be one of those people with hard-drives full of memories, but bare walls. I’m getting better!


Do you spy pink painted fingers and toes? Pig-tails, diva sunglasses, painted nails… when did my baby turn into a little girl? WAAAAAAHHHH!!!


This is Dorothy’s newest thing… sqwaking. It’s not our favorite. Cute in pictures, but such a terrible sound. Here’s to hoping it passes soon!


Jack was pretty “over” having his picture taken by this point. Such is the life of a too-cool-for-school mohawk’d 8 year old! Dorothy is completely fearless when it comes to water. She walked straight out in the lake until it was up to her chin, and screamed bloody murder if anyone touched her or tried to help her walk. I am every bit paying for my raising with this little stinker!! We’re blessed that she’s at least a friendly and affectionate child, for all her hard-headedness.


AH! Fat legs! I just wanna pinch them!


The closing picture cracks me up… some meanie had the gall to put ROCKS in Dorothy’s sand! She wasn’t pleased.  🙂

Gotta finish with this fun little animated .gif file that shows Jack’s favorite water sport… being tossed!

It seems crazy that we’re just a few weeks away from Jack’s summer being over, and everything going back to “normal”. We’ve still got so much we want to do!

  1. Marybeth says:

    These are great!! When Ely saw them he said look mama baby……which is a sentence…..yay!! Where is all this wonderful sand?? My kids would love a beach like that!!

  2. Angela says:

    Gorgeous little girl you have there! So hard to believe that last year I was looking at her baby pictures! Crazy how fast time passes once we have kids. Enjoy these last weeks before school with your cute kids. We’re soaking up every one of these days too!

  3. annie says:

    fat baby legs = my favorite. annie hearts the mcg fam. xoxo

  4. Bethe says:

    I heart Dot’s pigtails and pink nails, and tell Jack his Mohawk is uber cool.
    You guys have adorable kiddos! (and I had no idea Granbury has a beach!)

  5. Liesa says:

    I honestly can’t handle Dorothy’s deadly pigtail-swimsuit-sunglasses combo. Way too cute. She’s such a little girl (not a baby) now! Lovin’ Jack’s ‘do more and more!

  6. Candice 'McGowan' Taylor says:

    Erik your daughter is beautiful. I know it has been FOREVER, but I found your website, and thought I would say hi! Congrats on your beautiful family 🙂

  7. Taylor says:

    Those pigtails are SO cute!

  8. Bailey says:

    These pictures are so cute! Looks like y’all had a blast and I know you probably get this a lot, but your kids are ADORABLE!

  9. Kevin says:

    Your kids both have awesome hair!

  10. Kylie says:

    So freaking A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!

  11. Ambo says:

    These pictures make my heart smile.

  12. Melissa says:

    Summer fun….you captured it!

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