McG at The Ballpark in Arlington

Happy Monday, my friends!

This is the week… the week I’ve been looking forward to, but also kind of dreading. This week, we have new blogs up 4 out of 5 days, but not a single dadgum one of them is a new session or wedding. Next week? Next week we’ll post 3 engagement sessions. So it’s definitely coming. But this week, it’s a bit McG-centric. So if you don’t want to see pictures of a family trip to the Ranger’s game, Jack’s baptism, a fun new recipe, travel wishes, or the black & white vs. color debate, then I suggest you just take the week off from McG and come back next Monday.

But for those of you that DO stick around, we promise… new blogs there shall be! 🙂

We joined up with our friends Kevin & Nicole of Berg Photography on Friday night to hit The Ballpark in Arlington. We were blessed with good seats in the shade, time with friends, happy children who loved every minute of it, an unexpected fireworks show, and a Rangers WIN!! WAHOOO!! It truly was an awesome night, and I love all the pictures we brought home.

In this blog, you will NOT see cool, artsy fartsy pictures of the game or the Ballpark. I’ve taken those before, and while they’re fun, I don’t really care about them for very long. I vowed that this time, I was going to capture memories of the EXPERIENCE. For us. If it weren’t a slow week, I might not have even shared them on the blog. Because it’s the people that really matter… the Ballpark doesn’t change that often, but my kids are changing rapidly.


I think Dottie’s favorite part was singing and dancing along with the Ballpark music!

We were in Lexus Club box seats, which aren’t the closest in the park by any means, but we LOVED them. They were in the shade and had a good breeze, and the attendants kept bringing us latex gloves filled with ice to keep cool. Dottie loved that, especially. 🙂

Jack got stopped and complimented no less than 20 times because of his mohawk. I have the coolest kid.

Confession… she gets away with murder because of these curls. I love them.

It was Kevin & Nicole’s first time at the beautiful Ballpark in Arlington, and they loved it! I’m so proud that we have such a gorgeous facility here.


The kids were great cheerleaders!

We tried twice to get a good family picture, thanks to Kevin & Nicole’s blessed patience… but neither one of them were spectacularly successful. I kind of like them more BECAUSE they’re a bit manic!

When the baseball game got boring for Dottie, she amused herself with Goldfish crackers.

Grand Slam!!! What a cool moment!!!


We had no idea that we were there on a night with a fireworks show, so that was a happy bonus. It was super cool!!

By this time, though, it was about 11 p.m., so Dottie was exhausted. I’m really surprised she never melted down or acted rotten because she was so tired. She just asked for a drink and enjoyed the show!

Thank you, Texas Rangers, for a WONDERFUL night! It’s such fun to build these memories with our children. And thank you, Kevin & Nicole, for driving all the way from Louisiana for this end-of-summer excursion… we ALWAYS enjoy your company, and can’t wait for our next adventure together! 🙂 (pssst… blogstalkers… our next adventure with them will be in about 3.5 months, and involves somebody world famous with big black ears. Just sayin’. )

  1. grom says:

    Great pictures! Such good memories for you and for the littles. You just can’t make too many of them. Love you all.

  2. Ambo says:

    Looks like all had an amazing time! So glad you guys get to make wonderful memories for your kiddos to look back on later!!! Love you guys!

  3. Danielle Boyd says:

    What great family photos and memories! I loved this blog post!

  4. Kevin says:

    It was a blast hanging out with you guys again! Ya’ll have the two cutest, most fun to be around kids ever! The seats were perfect, the snacks were tasty, and the fireworks were awesome! If only I hadn’t dropped that foulball things would have been perfect! I think this should be a yearly tradition!

  5. Amber B says:

    I love these photos guys!! Oooooohhhh Ya’ll are going to photograph Mickey Mouse!! Woohoo!

  6. Liesa says:

    I really enjoyed these. The Ballpark is one of my most favorite places to be! It’s easy to take for granted how pretty it is when you don’t see other stadiums often. What precious memories! 🙂 See you in 9 days!

  7. Nicole says:

    An awesome time was had by all! You guys have wonderful kids! Can’t wait for the next adventure!

  8. Nadia Alareksoussi says:

    We love going to rangers games and were there that night too!! Your little ones are just so cute and these pictures remind me of why I love the ballpark- families and friends all around having a good together. Thank you for sharing- some of my favs!!

  9. Mike says:

    hmmm…this is definitely on my favorite McG post list. without a doubt. oh my gosh. Jack’s mohawk is PERFECT!!! looks like y’all had an absolutely amazing time! and y’all got to see the GRAND SLAM!!! I’m so jealous!!! haha! I hope I can meet Kevin & Nicole someday. McG & Me “reunion”???

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