McG Kids Christmas pictures

Can you feel it? Christmas is just around the corner! We’re pretty excited around here. No more work… just lots of loving on each other!

As usual, I was a slacker and absolutely did not get the kids Christmas pictures done in time for cards. I keep hoping to be able to get that done someday, because I completely adore getting cards in the mail from friends, family and clients. Seriously, it’s one of my favorite things, and I squeal every time. But when it comes to getting a McG card out the door… well, it’s something to work on. 🙂

Still, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t take cute pictures of the munchkins in their Christmas PJs and post them here for all the world to see… right?

Awww… my sweet little monsters. 🙂

While we’re here, I might as well share some pictures from last week’s trip! I know, I know… we’ve been travelin’ fools lately. But this time, we took the kids and my parents and spent 3 days at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. I was sick as a dog the whole time, but still, much fun was had by all.

I actually took ZERO pictures with the camera at Great Wolf Lodge. No way was I taking inside the water park because, well, it’s pretty wet in there. But I did take the camera when we went across the road to see ICE at the Gaylord, and when we went to see Santa at Bass Pro. Here are some of my favorites…

ICE this year is “Shrek the Halls”. It was SO cool. PAH! Cool! Get it? (I kill me.)

My sweet parents!

We all got to ride down the snow hill a bajillion times. I’ll tell you what… this mid-week vacation stuff is where it’s AT. As long as our kids are good students in a country school that will send their work with them, we’re gonna keep pulling them out of class for adventures. 🙂 There was practically NO one at Great Wolf or at the Gaylord!

And those of you who follow me on Instagram will have already seen evidence of how our Santa trip went. Dot loved to look at him and talk to him… even said, “I love you Santa Claus!” But the second I wasn’t touching her, she went ape. Hilarious. I love crying Santa pictures!!

And that’s that!

Tomorrow, we’ll share our last session of 2011! Well, ok. Not really. We’ve got a session on the 30th. But it’s super special and we won’t be sharing it ’til 2012, so I’m gonna call this our last session of 2011. See you then! 🙂

  1. Jen says:

    LOVE those Christmas pj’s pics…Super sweet! Those are some pretty precious McG kiddos. Merry Christmas guys!! 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    Looks like you guys had a blast at ICE! What a fun adventure. Also, I can’t get over your adorable sweet girl, especially with the pigtails!

  3. melissa says:

    I love Christmas pictures with kids. It’s always so magical.

  4. Misty says:

    SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

  5. Mike says:

    love. McG Christmas FTW!

  6. Jackie says:

    The black and white one in the pj’s KILLS me. SO stinking cute

  7. Molly H says:

    I love that you love crying santa pictures. Because I absolutely love them too. And this one is no exception!

  8. Kevin says:

    Love the Christmas pics! but I really love the tube pictures! Looks like you guys had a blast!

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