Happy 9th Birthday, Jack! | McGowan Images Blog


Happy 9th Birthday, Jack!

Our sweet Jack actually turned 9 almost a week ago, on March 21st. Of COURSE we’d never miss blogging about our kiddos birthdays, but we wanted to wait until we had a few pictures from the “party”. 🙂

This year, we didn’t have a birthday party for Jack at all! Instead, on Friday night, Mack and I took Jack and his best friend Clay to the Mineral Wells State Park for a little camping trip. There was fishing and the roasting of hot dogs & marshmallows, and a generally wonderful time had by all.

That last picture is Jack and Clay smearing around what can only be described as “gunk” on the side of the spillway. Kind of love it.

I grew up camping, but for Mack, this was only his third time. I’m determined that one day he’ll grow to love it as much as I do, but he has yet to be convinced. 😉

  1. bobbileigh says:

    I am definitely not a fan of camping, but those two scenery shots are breathtaking.

  2. Kat says:

    Such awesome photos – that one of the lake, and the one of his eye….. Wow!!!!

  3. Liesa says:

    Happy belated to Jack! Growing up too fast! What a fun way to celebrate his birthday. 🙂

  4. Abby says:

    Jack, you are the coolest kiddo ever!!! I love love love camping, and my Eric isn’t such a fan either… We’ll have to do a girls camping trip! Those wienies can stay home! That last picture is super cool…

  5. Misty says:

    Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! Looks like he had a GREAT birthday!!! 🙂 And I totally love that spillway shot!

  6. megB says:


  7. Nicole says:

    Happy belated birthday to Jack!

  8. Aunt Ambo says:

    Love love love!!! BTW…I need new kiddo pictures for my wallet so I can show off my best friends beauties! I love that last picture!!!

  9. Kevin says:

    Happy birthday Jack! Now I want to go camping too!!!

  10. Anne says:

    Your pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS! Have you ever thought of doing photography workshops?? I would be an eager student!!

  11. Abby says:

    Ummm…. I’m sure there will be a formal posting of all those amaaaaaazing promo pictures of you guys, but I can’t wait to tell you how much I love them!!! They are SOOO GOOOOD! Every single one of them. You two are so stinkin wonderful looking, gah- I’m jealous!

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