McG + B Campstravaganza

A couple weeks ago, we were supposed to shoot a wedding that was being designed by one of our favorite frequent collaborators : Meagan, of megBdesign. But when the wedding got postponed by a month, we found ourselves with a free weekend, and a hankerin’ to do something out of the ordinary. So we packed up and went camping!

It was blustery and cold and a really great time. Mack cooked so much amazing food… he really spoiled us rotten. We hiked and talked and played cards and just generally had a great time. We’re so blessed to have friends like Meg & Eric who put up with our crazy schedules, and love our children to pieces. They are one of the biggest blessings this business has given us, and adventures like these are some of our favorite things!

You might think that this first picture is photoshop magic… some sort of pink filter over an otherwise unremarkable picture. But that’d be false. This sunrise over Lake Mineral Wells was just that incredible!

Jack had so much “boy fun” on this trip… whittling, exploring, setting things on fire… the usual.

Meg isn’t quite as happy about her naked face being photographed as I was. 🙂

The rock climbing at Mineral Wells State Park is pretty awesome, and the hiking trails are gorgeous. We thoroughly wore the kids out! (Who am I fooling? I was worn out. Felt like my thighs were on fire!)

These Daddy Long Legs spiders were EVERYWHERE. Ugh. Creepy little dudes.

Dot said, “Uncle Eric! Put me in the Fairy Tree!” Heart = melted.

Good times.

If you’re not the kind of blogstalker that likes personal posts, I’ll go ahead and warn you… we’re coming into the season of the year where there’s more of these than usual. It’s slow and we’re not shooting as much… and I’m also all lovey-feeling because of the holidays. 🙂 Luckily, though, we’ve got a few more sessions, a wedding this weekend and another mid-December, so there’s still several posts worth of client-pretty coming your way through the end of the year! Come back Friday for a gorgeous new engagement session!

  1. megB says:

    This little adventure was so good for our souls – to get away from the city for a few days, and just enjoy being with friends. Love you best 🙂

  2. Amber B. says:

    I just love these blog posts! Looks like y’all had so much fun!!

  3. megan gray says:

    You are completely bonkers for camping in the cold. BUT the pictures are amazing.

  4. Ann says:

    Doesn’t matter what the subject – just keep bringing the magic. Looks like so much fun and brings back lots of memories of camping with my family when I was a kid. Ummmm, Meg? Honey you should have no fear of a naked-faced pictures. Like Chelsea – you’re gorgeous girl next door without makeup and gorgeous bombshell with…

  5. CheriG says:

    Great pictures!! They make me actually want to go camping!! 🙂

  6. will says:

    oh my word. love the pics. great job. next time go visit the abandoned water facility that borders the park. its like being in an episode of walking dead… talent, pure talent is the best way to describe y’all.

  7. Abby says:

    So. Much. Fun…. I am super jealous I wasn’t there!

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