Filling Up & Pouring Out… | McGowan Images Blog


Filling Up & Pouring Out…

In the wedding industry, at least in Dallas, January & February are typically months for reflection. We take the time that we’re not working as much, and put it to good use, analyzing “What Worked,”, “What Didn’t” and “What’s Next” for our business.

We talked a lot while we were on the road driving back and forth to California, kids sleeping or reading in the back. We talked about where we wanted 2013 to take us, and what we wanted to be able to say when we had the same conversation in January 2014. We made some decisions for our business that were hard to make, but exciting to think. And then, just a few days after we got home from vacation, we went to a workshop.

Our friends Justin & Mary Marantz, who we first met in 2010 at their Spread the Love workshop, came back through Dallas for their “What’s Next” tour. We were so glad to get to hug their necks and catch up with them, and glad for the PUSH they gave us to be brave with McGowan Images.

Specifically & immediately, we were brave when we got up on that stage! Mary used us as an example of talking through your “What’s Next”, and making decisions that help move your goal closer to you. We’re so grateful to have had that time talking to Mary about our five year plan, and getting the feedback from the other great photographers in the room, too!

Less than a week later, we took a step toward our goal. I partnered with Rocky, of Sara & Rocky, to give a little three hour presentation to a couple dozen Dallas photographers about blogging. I really put my heart into planning what I was going to present, and I was so encouraged by the response. It made me feel very helpful to be able to shed a little light on this aspect of what we do, and help it be less scary for people who are interested in starting a blog. After all, we wouldn’t be where we are today without this little chunk of the internet, and those of you who faithfully read it every day. 🙂

Our buddy Michael Hansen came to support us, and also took some pictures that I’m so grateful for. Thanks, friend!

I learned that while speaking isn’t near as scary as I was worried about… but my faces in these pictures are! Seriously, Chelsea. What’s wrong with just smiling and talking like a normal person? Whatever. We’ll just say it’s passion. That’s what passion looks like!

All in all, these last few weeks have been important ones for our business. We’ve narrowed our focus on what we want the next five years to look like. We’ve put our feet on the road. There are still decisions to make… little ones every day, and big ones in the months ahead. But as we move forth with the new amazing brides we’re meeting every day, and the photographers we’re able to help a few times a year, we feel more strength and resolve about who we are and where we’re supposed to be.

We’re so grateful for the friends who encourage us… both by pouring out what they know, and by listening to what we have to say. We’re blessed to work in this industry, especially in a wonderful area like DFW that has a true sense of community. Here’s to the next 5 years! 🙂

  1. megB says:

    Super, duper PROUD of y’all 🙂

  2. Mary Marantz says:

    Love it! Looks like you ROCKED it out my friend…so proud of you!


  3. Mike says:

    This post made my day. I’m just so happy for y’all! Not to steal Rocky’s term, but, to see vulnerability in y’all is just so amazing. I always picture McG as a bastion of strength. And you are. But you’re not afraid to admit you’re human and have your own struggles, too. That is just so cool. I’m so proud of McG and am totally pinching myself right now to think we’re real life friends. Love you guys!

  4. Mike says:

    P.S. Chelsea – I’m gonna go with your face representing your passion. You looked amazing! And you TOTALLY rocked your presentation. Seriously. I detected NO nervousness whatsoever. Strong, clear delivery. Please tell me McG will do more workshops. Consider this my signing up for the next one. Btdubbs – that last image is perfect. Happy Chelsea. 🙂

  5. This post made me so proud of you guys – love watching you two develop professionally. You keep raising the bar – I don’t know where it will end up in five years, but I know it will be high! (and that someday you’ll be rich and famous and I won’t be able to afford you anymore, and that will be a good thing–as long as you still have dinner with us occasionally.)

  6. Emily says:

    Way to go, ya’ll! Watching your business and creativity grow so great!

    It’s cool that some of our first site photos were used in your presentation(last photo)! I won’t lie, I am a little curious as to what was being said…:)

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