You’re So Cool

I was so scared, but I tried not to show it, because I knew you wouldn’t want me to be scared.

You stood up there on top of a boulder, on top of a cliff, 50 feet above the surface of an ink-black lake, and said you were jumping. Because you’re just NEVER afraid. I want to be like you. Slowly, slowly, over nearly 10 years now, you’re teaching me that. To just go for it, because how often do you get the chance to fly?

And you landed in the water, clean & perfect, and came up whoopin’ & hollerin’ because it was the most fun you’ve ever had in your life.

And all I could think, to quote Alabama from “True Romance”, was “you’re so cool… you’re so cool… you’re so cool.”

I’m proud to be married to a man who finds the highest point to jump from, because you’re right… how often do you get the chance to fly?

Blogstalkers, I wish I had pictures from The Devil’s Waterhole at Inks Lake from this past Sunday. It was one of the most beautiful afternoons of my life. I don’t have pictures of it. But I DO have pictures from our adventures through Longhorn Caverns earlier in the day, so I’ll share those! 🙂

The first thing we did was find a spot where we could show the kids a gorgeous view of Falkenstein Castle. Isn’t it beautiful?? I really want to be able to take the kids to Europe in the next few years and show them through some of the castles I saw as a teenager, but until then, a view like this is the best they’re going to get. 🙂

(Also, hey Hill Country brides, it’s available for weddings. GET ON THAT, I wanna shoot there!!)


Once at the state park, we climbed to the top of the observation tower and surveyed all the gorgeous hill country around us.

Then, it was SOMEONE’S bright idea to go on a hike… not realizing at the time that the trail was a loop about a mile and a half long. Luckily, our kids are amazing, and they handled the excursion without complaint. It was really kind of a blast!

Once we got back to headquarters, we met our friends Jeremy & Christy for ice cream and some time in the AC, before heading down for a two hour hike through the caverns. I really had NO idea that they’d be so beautiful & extensive… it’s nothing on the order of Carlsbad Caverns or anything like that, but it’s a HUGE deal for just being right up the road in Marble Falls! Definitely someplace we’ll visit again!

Someone got engaged on our tour!! Mack tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around just in time to grab this shot. Tip for dudes planning a surprise proposal… get a photographer!!! This bride & groom were thrilled I was able to email them this one shot, but man, I wish I had been able to do more for them!

Nothing like a super sweaty, kind of exhausted, crooked-because-I-set-my-camera-on-a-rock Group Selfie!

Guys, if the light is that magical on the fly as Dottie walked up out of the caverns, just IMAGINE what we could do there for a portrait session. We’re ready to book an amazing Bride & Groom session in Marble Falls, like, NOW! 🙂

I gotta say, I’m nervous to share these little personal blogs this summer, because I’m self-conscious that people will think all we do is have adventures. The truth is, our schedule for this fall season is kind of insane. We don’t have a single weekend off from September 13th to December 15th. Because we knew we were going to be working our tails off, we vowed to make this the BEST.SUMMER.EVER with our kiddos & our friends. Thanks to the adventures we’ve already had, plus a family beach trip coming up in two weeks, followed by a wedding in the Dominican Republic and then a trip to Vegas, I can say without a doubt that we’re achieving our goal. We’ll be able to look back on this summer when we’re exhausted in October and know that all the hard work is totally worth it, as long as we get to play hard, too. 🙂

  1. Christy says:

    Ugh. The shot of Dot touching J’s nose? I die. I die everywhere. We had the best time with you guys!

  2. ann says:

    LOVE the Longhorn Caverns, Marble Falls, Hill Country. My besties grandma had a house in Burnet so I have many, many good memories in the area. Glad to see pics of your family making memories there too. Super love the family pic with Mack’s arm around Jack. Awesome!

  3. Megan says:

    You guys deserve your adventures! And we love seeing them and living vicariously through ya’ll! Keep on rocking!

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