Madlyn & Willum : Wedding Pt. 1

So at this point, I assume exactly no one is surprised by the gorgeousness we’re about to present, right? You saw Willum propose to Madlyn, you saw their engagement session, and just a few days ago, you saw Madlyn’s epic bridal portraits. Suffice it to say, this couple has been an absolute dream to work with, and as much as we’re thrilled with the results of our partnership, I have to admit… Mack and I are kind of sad this wedding is over. I guess we’ll just have to get the ball rolling on amazing anniversary portraits. 🙂

Madlyn & Willum were married last Saturday at Christoval Winery, and although dark & heavy clouds covered the majority of the day, the rain missed all the important parts of their big event. This couple had a clear vision for their day, which was executed brilliantly by the always-wonderful megBdesign. More of the super-gorgeous reception design, as well as the heartfelt ceremony, will be shared in a post tomorrow. Today is allllll about portraits.

In planning the schedule of their wedding day, Madlyn & Willum placed the utmost importance on their time together rather than the wedding videography prices and location. They knew they wanted beautiful portraits of themselves together on this day, and also knew they didn’t want to feel rushed in any way. We worked together to make sure we had an itinerary that allowed their celebration to flow naturally, while making the best use of the property. And especially when inclement weather hit and “plan B” was enacted for a few parts of the day, we were SO glad to have had a solid gameplan that allowed us so much TIME with these beautiful people!

We started our day working around puddles & dripping eaves as we photographed the details of Madlyn’s wedding day style…

The teeny tiny bride’s room was barely large enough for us all to stand, much less for Madlyn to get into her dress comfortably. Luckily, her fantastic coordinator provided an antique rug that made a out-of-the-way patio the perfect al fresco dressing room!

And then, FIRST SIGHT. This Bride & Groom were just so excited to see each other… their faces at that first glance were just perfect!

I promised you I wouldn’t blog an ugly-cry face, Willum… I never promised I wouldn’t blog tear-wiping. 🙂

I’m not entirely certain that we were technically allowed to be down in the area where this stream was rushing, and I’m definitely certain we spent the rest of the day smelling slightly of the wild onions that were growing down there…

but I’m also completely certain it was worth every ounce of the risk. These images just take my breath away!

This looks all light & romantic, but walking on a slippery log above a muddy bog in your wedding dress is serious business!! These two are such troopers.

I don’t normally blog family portraits, but this casual shot of Willum & his mama is just too perfect not to share. 🙂

Fun with friends! Mad & Will had such a fantastic wedding party… they were all in amazing spirits, and did whatever they could to make the day beautiful.

Willum got each of his groomsmen a soccer jersey as a “thank you” for standing with him, and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to photograph those!

… and let’s just be real, there’s no way bridal party heels would have played nicely with all the mud on this wedding day, so all the girls’ rain boots came in quite handy!

And it just so happens that I can end this post with one of my favorite images Mack has ever taken… I mean, WHOA. Shut the front door. And the windows. And close the vents.

It’s just that good.

And can you believe we’ve shared all that incredible-ness and it’s not even “I Do” time yet?? GAH. Just get ready. Tomorrow is another dose of gorgeous, headed your way bright & early!!

  1. KaylaS says:

    Seriously?!?! Its like they both came to life out of a Jane Austen novel or something! I feel like I should just call them Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy 🙂 These are simply beautiful! New favorite! Her red hair kills me and so does his sweet tears when seeing her… Just stunning!

  2. Willum Lackey says:

    It’s me! It’s Madlyn! It’s FANTASTIC! I cried… again… seeing the first sight pictures. BAH!Thank you guys. I’m on my 5th cycle through. I love my picture with my mom! It’s just the most genuine smile you’ll ever get out of me I think.

  3. Mickey Lackey says:

    My vocabulary is NOT adequate to describe the ridiculous level of awesomeness found in these pictures. I am fresh out of superlative adjectives. How will I ever get thru tomorrows post?

  4. Jackie says:

    Absolutely breathtaking. And Madlyn could possibly be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  5. Courtney says:

    ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Are you kidding me??! Are you kidding me?!?! I’m dying. No, I’m dead. I fell flat out of my chair and DIED from all of the unreal gorgeousness. Gahhhhhhh. I can’t get over it. I’ll come back later and post a real comment. I need to look back through these another 10 times.

  6. Ava says:

    Perfectly perfect. Gorgeously gorgeous. And amazingly amazing

  7. Amanda says:

    This seriously looks like a spread in a magazine!! The couple is absolutely gorgeous and can feel the love in each and every photo. Just breathtaking….. Madlyn, your beauty has no words, inside and out 😉 Congrats and I wish you much love and happiness together!!

  8. lori says:

    Takes my breathe away, that these pictures are just so amazingly gorgeous…

  9. megB says:

    It’s one thing to be behind the scenes of a wedding, planning and designing and coordinating all the details. It’s another thing entirely to relive the day in photos, and see all the hard work come together so perfectly. I’m SO happy we were able to prioritize time for portraits, even in the rain, because ultimately – that’s what Madlyn and Willum wanted most on their wedding day – time together 🙂

  10. Carolyn says:

    Fantastic photos, kudos to all involved! These are images to be cherished, and I have a hard time picking a favorite! I’m so glad you captured the galoshes on the bridal party!!

  11. Destiny says:

    I don’t know if that it can get much better than this! AMAZING work! GORGEOUS!!!! I’m in love just looking at the photos!

  12. Bobbileigh says:

    UGH I cannot and I will not pick a favorite or even narrow it down, and in 3 years I do not think I have ever said that! There shouldn’t be a best of McG photo it should be the whole stinkin collection. Perfection

  13. Erica says:

    I am in complete awe! These are now officially my favorite wedding pictures. You are both so insanely talented! Also, talk about a gorgeous bride and groom! Wow. I am awestruck!

  14. Jordyn Pitts says:

    On multiple occasions.
    I don’t know if it’s my best interest to keep looking at these….I honestly feel like I’ve been taken back in time.
    And the last picture should win awards, and be all over magazines, and the internet…and possibly in my house.

  15. Grom says:

    Gorgeous bride and wonderful venue. You’re work is really getting recognizable . You have a special touch with your brides and grooms.

  16. Sophie Simon says:

    Wow, I think she’s one of the MOST gorgeous brides I’ve ever seen! Also, I LOVE love love her dress!

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