McG Best of 2013 : Bridals

Today is the third day of voting for the McGowan Images “Best of 2013” contest… have you voted yet?? Check out Monday’s blog post (either by scrolling down, or using THIS LINK) and vote for your favorite wedding portrait!

We shot fewer bridal sessions this year than we have in some past years, but it’s quality, not quantity, that makes a Best Of post great, right?? Every one of the brides we photographed this year was gorgeous, and brought her own spirit into the bridal session. I love making sure we can capture who our brides really ARE in these photos… it makes it less of a southern tradition, and more of a way to convey who a woman was in a special time of her life.

We’re blogging our favorite bridals of 2013 in chronological order… I hope y’all love these as much as we do!


Good Lord, gals… y’all SERIOUSLY rocked it this year. SO MUCH PRETTY!


  1. Mad says:

    Completely disregard the fact that I’m included in this post completely. Mine aside, there are at LEAST 10 images I could stare at for hours. Other than the day of my wedding, I never felt more beautiful than the day of my bridal session and I’m sure the girls above would agree. Thank you McG’s for being so good at what you do and for giving your brides another day to feel so special. I cherish my bridals <3

  2. Mad says:

    I should also stop commenting while commuting, on my phone, at 6am. I sound like a redundant retard. But you get the gist 😉

  3. kendall says:

    Yeah, so, while all of these are ridiculously pretty, the vampy, after dark ones and the blonde on the bench in the trees are stupid pretty. Straight up, shut up, stupid pretty.

  4. Faith W. says:

    Loving your best of posts guys, such amazing stuff and so fun to look at! #8 (I think) is my favorite – love the bride and how she stands out amid the green of the trees. The bent limbs of the trees add additional interest to frame her. Gorgeous!

  5. Margaret says:

    The one named No. 28
    The bride with the stole?
    I love me a nose scrunch smile! Such a happy picture!

  6. Jamie Schweitzer says:

    Vote # 17

  7. kellie says:

    The closeup of the beautilfulnlady in the 3rd to last photo is my favorite. She just seems to radiate happiness

  8. Earleen says:

    Beautiful picture of bride and groom in front of Christmas tree

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