McG Spring Minis : Pt. 1 | McGowan Images Blog


McG Spring Minis : Pt. 1

So, this season’s mini sessions are going to be shared in several parts. Blame Texas weather… or THANK Texas weather, if you’re someone who loves blog posts. 🙂

Despite cold temps and brisk winds this weekend, we photographed four mini sessions and one full session at our studio in Arlington. We’ll be sharing those images this week, and photographing another 9 families NEXT weekend… ’tis the season!

Our first two families of the morning got lucky with beautiful sunshine. I was so impressed that Toi rocked her sleeveless spring dress even though it was in the 40s! This sweet couple has been together for 35 years, and married for 32, and they’re still so completely sweet on each other. Pretty inspiring relationship for those of us who are still relatively new at being married!


Isn’t Toi beautiful? She’s just as pretty on the inside, too. I’m proud to know her.


Our second family came all the way from Houston for their McG session… and they were all smiles! I’m so glad we could be the opening of their fun family day together. And Harper was SUCH a doll, even with chattering teeth! 😉


Mini Session clients, as always, feel free to grab any of these images and repost on Facebook! Just try not to crop out the watermark whenever possible, and give McG credit wherever you can! 🙂

Blogstalkers, come back tomorrow for two more minis!

  1. Toi says:

    Wow, who knew we could look so good once we got cleaned up? But seriously, I have looked at these pictures over and over and I am SO PROUD of them. I wanted something I could put on my wall or give relatives and be proud of. When you’ve been married and gone through as many obstacles as we have, we sometimes forget to stop, hold each other, and remind ourselves that we made this commitment for life because we love each other. For that alone, I want to say “Thank you” Chelsea & Mack for giving us an excuse to slow down and hold each other. You are both so talented and we are so blessed to know you too and call you friends. We will always remember this day. <3 🙂 <3

  2. Kendall says:

    1.) Toi! You look absolutely beautiful. I can only hope Albert and I look that in love and happy when we come to that point. The sitting photo is so so beautiful!

    2.) I am digging the Mommy in session two and her choice of attire. 🙂 She looks gorgeous. But Harper is absolutely precious and steals the whole session. The second to last photo just made me all kinds of happy.

  3. Robert says:

    Man….what can I say. The photos of Toi are the most beautiful that I have ever seen. These photos only show that love is true. Chelsea & Mack….I want to thank you for proving forever love in your pictures. The talent that you have is a great gift. Thanks Again.

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