Seeing Art | McGowan Images Blog


Seeing Art

You picked up a camera because you saw something worth saving… something fleeting. Something you didn’t trust your memory to hold accurately. You saw the way light danced on grass in the afternoon, or the way dew sparkled in the morning, or the way the sun played hide-and-seek behind evening clouds, and in that, you saw art. You saw it elevated and everlasting. You saw something maybe a little different than “real life”, but absolutely real to you.

Never stop seeing art. We might be wired different, and that differentness can sometimes be exhausting, but at the end of the day, that differentness and this art is what we have.



  1. ann says:

    Oh how I love this. I love weddings and engagements and happy celebrations of life – but these speak to my soul. Greatness.

  2. Chelsea says:

    Love these!! You guys are so incredible.

  3. Allison M says:

    wow – these are just breath taking!!!

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