Thank you for your patience…


My family lost our matriarch this week, and we weren’t prepared. I guess you’re never prepared. But we really weren’t prepared.

After the weekend, we’ll have FOUR weddings to blog, in addition to a few portrait sessions. I meant to get half of that up this week, but it just didn’t happen.

And to that end, I have to thank our incredible clients. I received emails that said, “Just so I don’t forget to ask, but don’t you dare answer me right now”. When I asked to reschedule a few things, I heard, “Oh my gosh, whatever you need! Family first.” And when I hadn’t blogged things when I said I was going to, I was told, “Of course you didn’t! Don’t worry about us. Take your time.”

I can’t speak for any other business in the world, but I do know that McG people really are something special. We never stop appreciating your love & support for our business, and your prayers when our family needs them.

My Grandmommy was pretty incredible. I have a lot of characteristics that can be traced back to her directly… probably more her than any of my other family members. Other than a few family trips, my children have never gone without seeing her a week in their lives. She always told me that my tattoos were beautiful… “I don’t understand why you can’t just hang a pretty picture on a wall, but it’s not my skin.” She of the late nights and sleeping in, of the bright colored wardrobe, of the spangly jewelry, of the front porch mornings and Food Network marathons. My Grandmommy was beautiful. We all love her more than we can say, and we miss her already.


  1. Bethe says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your grandma. Hugs and prayers.

  2. Adria says:

    I love this and I love you. Wishing you peace during this time. She will be so sorely missed. <3

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